apachecn / stanford-game-theory-notes-zh

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Open wizardforcel opened 5 years ago

wizardforcel commented 5 years ago
章节 贡献者 进度
Game Theory I Week 1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff @whoKnowsss
Game Theory I Week 1 Self-Interested Agents and Utility Theory
Game Theory I Week 1 Defining Games
Game Theory I Week 1 Examples of Games
Game Theory I Week 1 Nash Equilibrium Intro
Game Theory I Week 1 Strategic Reasoning
Game Theory I Week 1 Best Response and Nash Equilibrium
Game Theory I Week 1 Nash Equilibrium of Example Games
Game Theory I Week 1 Dominant Strategies
Game Theory I Week 1 Pareto Optimality
Game Theory I Week 2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (I)
Game Theory I Week 2 Mixed Strategies and Nash Equilibrium (II)
Game Theory I Week 2 Computing Mixed Nash Equilibrium
Game Theory I Week 2 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Basic
Game Theory I Week 2 Hardness Beyond 2x2 Games - Advanced
Game Theory I Week 2 Example: Mixed Strategy Nash
Game Theory I Week 2 Data: Professional Sports and Mixed Strategies
Game Theory I Week 3 Beyond the Nash Equilibrium
Game Theory I Week 3 Strictly Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal
Game Theory I Week 3 Dominated Strategies & Iterative Removal: An Application
Game Theory I Week 3 Maxmin Strategies
Game Theory I Week 3 Maxmin Strategies - Advanced
Game Theory I Week 3 Correlated Equilibrium: Intuition
Game Theory I Week 4 Perfect Information Extensive Form: Taste
Game Theory I Week 4 Formalizing Perfect Information Extensive Form Games
Game Theory I Week 4 Perfect Information Extensive Form: Strategies, BR, NE
Game Theory I Week 4 Subgame Perfection
Game Theory I Week 4 Backward Induction
Game Theory I Week 4 Subgame Perfect Application: Ultimatum Bargaining
Game Theory I Week 4 Imperfect Information Extensive Form: Poker
Game Theory I Week 4 Imperfect Information Extensive Form: Definition, Strategies
Game Theory I Week 4 Mixed and Behavioral Strategies
Game Theory I Week 4 Incomplete Information in the Extensive Form: Beyond Subgame Perfection
Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Taste   @whoKnowsss  
Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Voting Schemes  
Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Paradoxical Outcomes  
Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Impossibility of Non-Paradoxical Social Welfare Functions  
Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Arrow's Theorem
Game Theory II week 1 Impossible of Non-paradoxical Social Choice Functions  
Game Theory II week 1 Single-Peaked Preferences  
Game Theory II week 2 Mechanism Design: Taste    
Game Theory II week 2 Mechanism Design: Implementation    
Game Theory II week 2 Revelation Principle    
Game Theory II week 2 Impossibility of General, Dominant-Strategy Implementation  
Game Theory II week 2 Transferable Utility    
Game Theory II week 2 Mechanism Design as an Optimization Problem      
Game Theory II week 3 VCG: Taste    
Game Theory II week 3 Vickrey-Clarke-Groves Mechanisms: Definitions    
Game Theory II week 3 VCG Example    
Game Theory II week 3 Limitations of VCG    
Game Theory II week 3 Individual Rationality and Budget Balance in VCG    
Game Theory II week 3 Myerson-Satterthwaite Theorem  
Game Theory II week 4 Auctions: Taste  
Game Theory II week 4 Auctions: Taxonomy  
Game Theory II week 4 Bidding in Second-Price Auctions  
Game Theory II week 4 Bidding in First-Price Auctions    
Game Theory II week 4 Revenue Equivalence  
Game Theory II week 4 Optimal Auctions  
Game Theory II week 4 More Advanced Auctions    
whoKnowsss commented 5 years ago

Game Theory II week 1 Social Choice: Taste+1165527916

whoKnowsss commented 5 years ago

既然前面没有,我想从第一个开始 Game Theory I Week 1 Game Theory Intro - TCP Backoff+1165527916