apalfrey / select2-bootstrap-5-theme

A Select2 v4 theme for Bootstrap 5
MIT License
212 stars 48 forks source link

how can I use it in Vue Js #52

Closed abbasmashaddy72 closed 2 years ago

abbasmashaddy72 commented 2 years ago

Use of Vue JS with HTML and script of Vue

please help me out


apalfrey commented 2 years ago

I've not got experience with Vue.js, but I'm assuming you should just be able to either add it to your SCSS file as an import or add it in a link tag, using the jsdelivr link in the readme as the href?

Or are you asking how to use select2 as a whole in Vue.js? If so you'd need to ask them over on their repo: https://github.com/select2/select2

This project is just to style their library to match with Bootstrap 5

abbasmashaddy72 commented 2 years ago

Thanks Brother