apalfrey / select2-bootstrap-5-theme

A Select2 v4 theme for Bootstrap 5
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Floating Label - Multi Select Box #62

Open zs6jce opened 2 years ago

zs6jce commented 2 years ago

Issue Description: The selected options, overlay the floating label (refer screenshot below).

Screen Shot: image

Fiddle - Example https://jsfiddle.net/vtycmdow/12/

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    <!-- Options -->
    <div class="form-floating m-3">
        <select multiple class="form-select" id="multiSelect" th:field="*{brokerCategoryCodes}">
            <option value="A">Option - A</option>
            <option value="B">Option - B</option>
            <option value="C">Option - C</option>
            <option value="D">Option - D</option>
        <label for="multiSelect">Options:</label>

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        theme: "bootstrap-5",
        placeholder: "I AM DA PLACEHOLDER"
apalfrey commented 2 years ago

Floating labels are not currently supported, however there is a request here to have them supported #21, I haven't had much time to work on this recently but I'm hoping to get it sorted out soon

GHPS commented 1 year ago

The selected options, overlay the floating label (refer screenshot below).

Currently, before floating labels are officially supported, you have two options - place the selected items a bit lower and/or remove their border.

1) Lower items with .select2-container--bootstrap-5 .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__rendered {padding-top: 0.9em; } 2) Remove the item border with .select2-container--bootstrap-5 .select2-selection--multiple .select2-selection__rendered .select2-selection__choice { border: none}

For me personally the combination of both of them looks most pleasant.