To make it easy for others to e.g. replace one equation (such as CERC) with another equation of their choosing, we should:
(a) put equations that are likely to be replaced in their own subroutine, with nothing else in that subroutine, and
(b) document the inputs and outputs to that subroutine in the subroutine header (this would also be good to do for all subroutine headers, but it would take quite a while!).
To make it easy for others to e.g. replace one equation (such as CERC) with another equation of their choosing, we should:
(a) put equations that are likely to be replaced in their own subroutine, with nothing else in that subroutine, and
(b) document the inputs and outputs to that subroutine in the subroutine header (this would also be good to do for all subroutine headers, but it would take quite a while!).