apchenstu / Facial_Details_Synthesis

[ICCV2019 Oral] Photo-Realistic Facial Details Synthesis from Single Image
MIT License
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LOG (Cannot open file [D:\Folder_1\init_facial_fidelity_capture\results\019615\result.obj] ) #45

Open mayanktiwariiiitdmj opened 3 years ago

mayanktiwariiiitdmj commented 3 years ago

When I am executing the following command in the PyCharm terminal

python facialDetails.py -i ./samples/details/019615.jpg -o ./results

then in the output, I am getting the following error:

Load preTrain model done. Load preTrain model done. Loading the model Model loaded Starting tracking D:\PycharmProjects\init_facial_fidelity_capture\samples\details\019615.jpg ===> Landmarks detection done.

===> estimating proxy of D:\PycharmProjects\init_facial_fidelity_capture\samples\details\019615.jpg Using expression prior from Facial Action Coding features. Error loading the Morphable Model: Failed to read 16 bytes from input stream! Read 9 ===> predicting details of D:\PycharmProjects\init_facial_fidelity_capture\samples\details\019615.jpg

LOG (Cannot open file [D:\PycharmProjects\init_facial_fidelity_capture\results\019615\result.obj]) ~In file (e:\face2face\code\release_v1\src\face_rendering\src\includes\ind\loaders.cc) , line (81) ERROR () ~In file (e:\face2face\code\release_v1\src\face_rendering\src\includes\ind\loaders.cc) , line (83)

Please help me in solving this.

cyjouc commented 3 years ago

Hi,your environment is ok?would you like share the experience with me? for exmaply,tensorflow and keras version?

apchenstu commented 3 years ago

it looks likes the renderer attempts to load the obj file but it doesn't exist, so please check whether the folder exists the file "D:\PycharmProjects\init_facial_fidelity_capture\results\019615\result.obj",

hariskhan101 commented 1 year ago

Hello mayanktiwariiiitdmj, How did you resolved this issue, I am Also facing a same issue but of a .mtl file

Here's the error message:

LOG (WARN: Material file [ result.mtl ] not found. WARN: Failed to load material file(s). Use default material. ) ~In file (e:\face2face\code\release_v1\src\face_rendering\src\includes\ind\loaders.cc) , line (81)