apeeyush / fb-feed-modifier

A chrome extension that removes distracting posts from Facebook news feed!
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Status Bar favico for switching between feeds #4

Open pranavmaneriker opened 8 years ago

pranavmaneriker commented 8 years ago

Idea originated with @apeeyush suggestion. Once people are done with GRE, they may want to switch to other feeds - posts/posts with spoiler posts removed/some other feeds

apeeyush commented 8 years ago


  1. Add a BrowserAction
  2. Provide various options in the browser action (GRE Words/Empty/Disable etc.)
  3. Possibly extend to allow removal of spoilers etc. (Need to think of UX for this functionality)

All work to be done in BrowserAction branch before merge!

apeeyush commented 8 years ago

I guess one possible way to do this might be to use Storage.

We add event listeners to the various divs/buttons in browser action. The listener could modify the state (and store it in storage). Here, state can be gre, empty, disabled etc. Based on this state value, kill.js can change the content of facebook feed.

WIP on the branch already! :)

Update: Implemented basic version! :D Now, need to work on improving UX and adding more features. Design inspiration from AdBlock and Bookmark Manager.