aperechnev / SidebarOverlay

Yet another implementation of sidebar menu, but here your menu appears over the top view controller.
MIT License
67 stars 28 forks source link

Does it support swift 3 ? #30

Closed kristoff2016 closed 7 years ago

aperechnev commented 7 years ago

Yes, it does.

kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

thank you for replied. I tried installed via pod but I can not run it. I got error with swift 3

I also added this

post_install do |installer| installer.pods_project.targets.each do |target| target.build_configurations.each do |config| config.build_settings['SWIFT_VERSION'] = '3.0' end end

kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

I really love this plugin. Please help any way install it work ?

kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

MainViewController.swift:10:8: No such module 'SidebarOverlay'

aperechnev commented 7 years ago

@kristoff2016 the easiest way to integrate it is to install it via CocoaPods. Just add

pod 'SidebarOverlay'

right after

source 'https://github.com/CocoaPods/Specs.git'
platform :ios, '8.0'
kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

Your example I did not see you used import 'SidebarOverlay' I always get this error: No such module 'SidebarOverlay' any you give me any example ?

thiagomacauba88 commented 7 years ago


can i show this side menu programmatically in another viewcontroller?

kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

yes, sure

thiagomacauba88 commented 7 years ago

How? Can you help me?

Your pod is help a lot... but i need to call it from another view controller...

kristoff2016 commented 7 years ago

it is not my lib. can you wait ? I will create simple project for you but now I'm working times at office. I will drop link project download here.

thiagomacauba88 commented 7 years ago

No problem man! I'll appreciate

Thanks you

aperechnev commented 7 years ago

@thiagomacauba88 yes, you can show it programmatically from any view controller that child for SOContainerViewController. To do so, just access the so_containerViewController property and make necessary changes, for example:

self.so_containerViewController.isSideViewControllerPresented = true // or false
aperechnev commented 7 years ago

Please open new issue for any questions that are not related to original one. It will much more easy for another users to find your question and it's solution.