Open atilling opened 7 years ago
Related to #180
I don't believe it is related to #180 because php CAS doesn't need to decrypt the ticket instead the criteria for what is a valid ticket needs to accept that the encrypted ticket is valid and just pass it back.
Can you please supply a debug log?
3424 .START (2017-08-22 12:11:13) phpCAS-1.3.5 ** [CAS.php:468]
3424 .=> phpCAS::client('3.0', '', 443, 'cas') [index.php:12]
3424 .| => CAS_Client::__construct('3.0', false, '', 443, 'cas', true) [CAS.php:360]
3424 .| | Starting a new session cq25i8qv8bbq8uqoiud8hh2g75 [Client.php:932]
3424 .| | Session is not authenticated [Client.php:938]
3424 .| | => phpCAS::error('ill-formed ticket found in the URL (ticket=eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.WlhsS05tRllRV2xQYVVwRlVsVlphVXhEU21oaVIyTnBUMmxLYTJGWVNXbE1RMHBzWW0xTmFVOXBTa0pOVkVrMFVUQktSRXhWYUZSTmFsVXlTVzR3TGk1NFYxaDNTbWhOY25KMFoxQm9aM1ExVkc4eGFGVjNMakJhZHpRdE0zcFRVV2hFUlhsaGNYVTVibWw1VlUxT05EazFURkpRWDNkRWVHcERXR0l3YUVGcldXSkdPWGxMTmpWRFIyazBiV2M1VUdocldWbHVVa0l1VVUxWmFtZFVUWGRLWm1VM2NVNVhabVk1VjBsclp3PT0.QCt2Ma0yxcfigVaNE5DYlwog1Vz8bIRB_EzoJjs85wWnXKCEwaxlvQKoIMU7C4HdxFbJya-Pj6URByRfpMwbsg\')') [Client.php:1028] 3424 .| | | ill-formed ticket found in the URL (ticket=
eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiJ9.WlhsS05tRllRV2xQYVVwRlVsVlphVXhEU21oaVIyTnBUMmxLYTJGWVNXbE1RMHBzWW0xTmFVOXBTa0pOVkVrMFVUQktSRXhWYUZSTmFsVXlTVzR3TGk1NFYxaDNTbWhOY25KMFoxQm9aM1ExVkc4eGFGVjNMakJhZHpRdE0zcFRVV2hFUlhsaGNYVTVibWw1VlUxT05EazFURkpRWDNkRWVHcERXR0l3YUVGcldXSkdPWGxMTmpWRFIyazBiV2M1VUdocldWbHVVa0l1VVUxWmFtZFVUWGRLWm1VM2NVNVhabVk1VjBsclp3PT0.QCt2Ma0yxcfigVaNE5DYlwog1Vz8bIRB_EzoJjs85wWnXKCEwaxlvQKoIMU7C4HdxFbJya-Pj6URByRfpMwbsg') in /cwd/cwassets/httpd/alias/tp/cas/cas5-php-test/index.phpon line 12 [CAS.php:566]
3424 .| | <= ''
Thanks, looks like we simply need to adjust the regexp security filter for the ticket so that it allows all formats including the new encryption.
Has there been any movement on this? I'm running against master
, with all of the fixes for ticket/session length (#248, #257, and #224), but enabling
still throws an error.
If the cas server is encrypting the ticket value ( the php client fails with the error: Error ill-formed ticket found in the URL
You have to set this property to false for the client to work.