apertium / apertium-html-tools

Web application providing a fully localised interface for text/website/document translation, analysis and generation powered by Apertium.
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norwegian sentence disambiguation should not show up as segeju #448

Open flammie opened 2 years ago

flammie commented 2 years ago

If I open Norweigan on apertium.org there's Segeju as translation option that doesn't work. IRC says:

04:46 +Flammie> what's nor-seg? it appears on my apertium.org non-beta like so: 
07:51  Unhammer> Flammie: probably a debug mode that's not meant to be installed
07:52  begiak> apertium-nno: marihauge [ 3fa6901 ] apertium-nno.nno.dix: NNO: Ramstein, Engamo, 
07:52  Unhammer> Seg is for sentence disambiguation 
07:52  Unhammer> "3. april" vs "3. Ny setning"

(also apertium.org should really just have link to github issues here, no?)

unhammer commented 2 years ago

It's called nob-segment in apertium-nob from git, so I guess it's the last debian (non-nightly) release that has this issue. Maybe we can just manually rm nob-seg.mode on the server. Next time apertium-nob updates it should be a different name anyway.