apesonline-gg / AIPs

AOL Improvement Proposals
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Ape Identity management #5

Open hendisco opened 3 years ago

hendisco commented 3 years ago

For the aol.gg site, the ape identity will live in their wallet. The site will save the public wallet address for connected wallets, but all the access and ape identity will be constructed by the tokens that the user holds.

This draft concept is that the pieces of an ape identity can include many different independent items. An ape can just hold the community and currency coins and be anonymous, or can get aol.gg identifier images, name, GPT-3 created attributes and badges. The Apes Online related tokens in the wallet can fall into 3 categories:

  1. Immutable, associated to the wallet and can't be transferred
  2. Non-Fungible, unique but can be transferred or sold
  3. Fungible, acts as governance or currency

In the first category of immutable token is the ID token. This will be an ERC 1238 token, and once added to a wallet, is associated as far as Apes Online is concerned. In this token will be the Screen Name & Email address for the ape. To avoid confusion and identity theft, screen names are not able to be exchanged to other users. This means prime screen names should be held for auction or other allocation, to discourage Screen Name squatting. This ID token will serve as the key to access certain features on the site and to identify the ape. From a design perspective this token is more utilitarian, just displaying the Screen Name, and not used as a primary visual like the profile image NFT. This token can also contain a reference to the activity chains on Apes Online, where the participation in activities is logged. Then, when this ID appears in the activity log, the site can show that back to the user.

In the second category of NFT, are the profile image NFTs and POAP tokens. The profile image token will be from a set of NFTs created by the Apes Online community and acquired by the community participants through airdrops, contests, auctions, etc. The NFT's that are designated to be profile images will also be the only ones that display in certain areas of the site. The POAP NFTs will be how the site designates participation in activities. These tokens will be available to claim when a user is attending events, activities, etc.

The third, fungible category of tokens will be the MODEM and AOL tokens. A user with these tokens but no other site tokens can still utilize the dapps and can participate in governance if they hold MODEM, but from an identity perspective, these users are anonymous. It is an important part of the ape culture to allow people to participate anywhere on the spectrum from anon to doxxed.