apex / up-examples

Example apps, apis, and sites for Up.
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Unable to start gradle examples #60

Open fclaeys opened 6 years ago

fclaeys commented 6 years ago

Hello, I try to use UP with a java gradle springboot REST API, the UP command run fine but when I want to connect to the app I got an error 500.

I also tried with the java-gradle-springboot exemple and have the same error.

The logs in cloudwatch says:

{ "fields": { "app": "java-gradle-springboot", "plugin": "relay", "region": "eu-west-1", "stage": "development", "version": "$LATEST" }, "level": "error", "timestamp": "2017-12-11T15:55:16.49454422Z", "message": "sh: ./server: No such file or directory" }

tj commented 6 years ago

Those examples were contributed, I don't know much about the Java environment, not much of a help there unfortunately

fclaeys commented 6 years ago

@tj I'll try to have a look

up build and up start on a java gradle project run fine on my laptop. The out.zip seems to have the correct content, but lambda want to start a ./server

I'll update this issue, when I found something

OK, I found some related comments in https://github.com/apex/up/pull/391

@tj, the build.gradle file is always excluded from out.zip (zip.go line 47). I made a PR https://github.com/apex/up/pull/518 to resolve this issue.