apexcharts / Blazor-ApexCharts

A blazor wrapper for ApexCharts.js
MIT License
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Mixed chart with area / line config issue: broken gradient and zoom #443

Closed alex-fitplans closed 3 months ago

alex-fitplans commented 3 months ago

Hello !

First of all, thanks for the amazing library :).

I would like to replicate the following codepen: https://codepen.io/alex-antro/pen/LYvByoV

You can see the graph should look like this (with a nice gradient and with correct zoom animations):

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 1 38 03 PM

I currently have this code, but I have trouble setting up the gradient config, and the zoom animation is broken:

@using ApexCharts
@using ChartType = ApexCharts.ChartType
<div class=@Class>
    <ApexChart TItem="WeightData"
        <ApexPointSeries TItem="WeightData"
                         XValue="@(e => e.X)"
                         YValue="@(e => e.Y)"

        <ApexPointSeries TItem="WeightData"
                         XValue="@(e => e.X)"
                         YValue="@(e => e.Y)" 

@code {
    private ApexChartOptions<WeightData> _chartOptions = default!;
    private List<WeightData> _weightData = default!;
    private List<WeightData> _milestoneData = default!;

    public string Class { get; set; } = "";

    protected override void OnInitialized()

    private void InitializeChartOptions()
        _chartOptions = new ApexChartOptions<WeightData>
            Chart = new Chart
                Type = ChartType.Area,
                Height = 400,
                Toolbar = new Toolbar { Show = false }
            Stroke = new Stroke
                Curve = new List<Curve> { Curve.Smooth, Curve.Straight },
                Width = new List<double> { 3, 3 },
                DashArray = new List<double> { 0, 5 }
            Xaxis = new XAxis
                Type = XAxisType.Datetime
            Fill = new Fill
                Type = new FillTypeSelections(FillType.Gradient, FillType.Solid),
                Gradient = new FillGradient
                    ShadeIntensity = 1,
                    OpacityFrom = 0.7,
                    OpacityTo = 0.2,
                    Type = GradientType.Vertical,
                    Stops = new List<double> { 0, 90, 100 }
    private void LoadData()
        _weightData = new List<WeightData>
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-01-01"), Y = 70 },
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-02-01"), Y = 68 },
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-03-01"), Y = 66 },
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-04-01"), Y = 65 }

        _milestoneData = new List<WeightData>
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-02-01"), Y = 68 },
            new WeightData { X = DateTime.Parse("2024-05-01"), Y = 60 }

    public class WeightData
        public DateTime X { get; set; }
        public decimal? Y { get; set; }

The result I get is the following:

Screenshot 2024-04-14 at 1 41 12 PM

Strangely, if I remove the second series, the gradient and the zoom both work fine. What am I missing ?

Thanks in advance :)

alex-fitplans commented 3 months ago

I used the debug flag to check the full config generated by Blazor-ApexCharts, and replicated it in this codePen: https://codepen.io/alex-antro/pen/zYXLjvN

And strangely, everything works as expected there.

alex-fitplans commented 3 months ago

The issue mysteriously disappeared after upgrading all my nuget packages in the solution