apexcharts / ng-apexcharts

ng-apexcharts is an implementation of apexcharts for angular. It comes with one simple component that enables you to use apexcharts in an angular project.
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cant change the color fill for radial bars on Angular 14 #313

Open SenyekiMaroga opened 4 months ago

SenyekiMaroga commented 4 months ago

image import { Component, Input, ViewChild } from "@angular/core";

import { ChartComponent, ApexNonAxisChartSeries, ApexChart, ApexPlotOptions, ApexOptions, ApexFill } from "ngx-apexcharts";

export type ChartOptions = { series: ApexNonAxisChartSeries; chart: ApexChart; plotOptions: ApexPlotOptions; options: ApexOptions; labels: string[]; fill: ApexFill; };

https://github.com/component({ selector: 'ovation-radial-chart', templateUrl: './radial-chart.component.html', styleUrls: ['./radial-chart.component.scss'], })

export class RadialChartComponent { @input() chartValue: any = 10; @ViewChild("chart") chart: ChartComponent | undefined; public chartOptions: Partial & { colors?: string[] };

constructor() { this.chartOptions = { colors: ['#F44336', '#E91E63', '#9C27B0'], series: [0], chart: { height: 250, type: "radialBar", toolbar: { show: false }, foreColor: 'https://github.com/apexcharts/vue-apexcharts/issues/333' // Optionally set the color of the text and lines }, plotOptions: { radialBar: { hollow: { size: "80%" }, dataLabels: { name: { show: false }, value: { color: (this.chartValue < 20) ? 'red' : (this.chartValue < 40) ? 'indianred' : (this.chartValue < 60) ? 'orange' : (this.chartValue < 80) ? 'lightgreen' : 'green' } } } }, labels: [], fill: { type: "solid", colors: [(this.chartValue < 20) ? '#F44336' : (this.chartValue < 40) ? '#E91E63' : (this.chartValue < 60) ? 'orange' : (this.chartValue < 80) ? 'lightgreen' : '#E91E63'] }, }; }

ngOnChanges() { this.chartOptions.series = [this.chartValue];

this.chart?.updateOptions(this.chartOptions, true); } }

bastianremo commented 4 months ago

Any updates of this? I'm facing problems with the dependencies when I deploy my proyect, the render of the colorstop in the line chart doesn't work properly