apexcharts / ng-apexcharts

ng-apexcharts is an implementation of apexcharts for angular. It comes with one simple component that enables you to use apexcharts in an angular project.
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Conditional formatting on line chart on the basis of yaxis values #335

Open tmatetwar opened 3 weeks ago

tmatetwar commented 3 weeks ago

I am using apexchart library to render linechart in our client environment. One of the requirement from client is line chart color should be according to below conditions

if y-axis value <= 0.25 : green if y-axis value > 0.25 && <0.6 : Yellow if y-axis value > 0.6 : red

but right now it is not behaving in this manner, I tried using gradient but it looks like it works on % basis let me show you output


and below id the code responsible for this - if (this.showGradient) { this.chartOptions.fill = { type: 'gradient', gradient: { shade: 'dark', shadeIntensity: 1, type: 'vertical', opacityFrom: 1, opacityTo: 1, colorStops: [ { offset: 10, color: "#ef5350", opacity: 1, }, { offset: 30, color: "#ffa726", opacity: 1, }, { offset: 50, color: "#ffca28", opacity: 1, }, { offset: 70, color: "#66bb6a", opacity: 1, }, ], } } }

    can someone please help here ??