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Ordinals are damaging Dogecoin BlockChain #13

Open qlpqlp opened 1 year ago

qlpqlp commented 1 year ago


Please check the Dogecoin mempool, miner fees drastically increase and time to process a real Dogecoin payment.

The ordinals protocol is damaging.

Can I suggest to use another protocol less evasive?

For example you can use my protocol from the first NFT on the Dogecoin BlockChain that i did. Its all detailed explained how to achieve and i think its a lot less evasive.

Protocol: DogeSeeds.io

Thanks i advance.

Drael64 commented 1 year ago

Agreed. This has caused a massive spike in network activity on a chain devoted to a monetary network. This sort of activity is leeching storage off node runners, and driving up network fees. You need a better less intensive protocol.

water4168 commented 1 year ago

If ordinals are a threat to the safety of dogs, then they should be eliminated. We cannot afford to have a weak chain of doges. By the way, do you think the old guard will ever change their ways? It's time to think differently and think big! Take action, listen to the community, and let ordinals sink into the depths of DOGE

Drael64 commented 1 year ago

If ordinals are a threat to the safety of dogs, then they should be eliminated. We cannot afford to have a weak chain of doges. By the way, do you think the old guard will ever change their ways? It's time to think differently and think big! Take action, listen to the community, and let ordinals sink into the depths of DOGE

It's not going to kill it, miners don't care, and doge is co-mined. It'll just make it less attractive to host nodes, because you are accelerating the storage requirements for the unpaid volunteers who do that. Of course some miners already refused some of these blocks, but in general they can afford the drive space, so if they reject these it's more on principle. I imagine there will be some kind of fix for the node HD space issue at some point, but it would also be nice if people just did things efficiently rather than wastefully.

There is the suggest above which uses much less onchain data (ie other peoples hard drives), and also a side chain would work rather well. Cosmos makes it very easy to make dedicated chains, so a sidechain for doge could be built there for NFTs - and in fact it already has a chain dedicated to NFTs, stargazer. Of course, that might require more actual unique programming, so maybe laziness per amount of empty hype generated is the driving metric for choosing this route? The use of the term ordinals suggests maybe yes.

There are ways of doing things like this that would generally be embraced by all. Dogeparty has been running a dogecoin sidechain with nfts and tokens for a long time. Something done right, with a technical flair, like a cosmos sidechain and dedicated and intelligent design for NFT characteristics could end up being very popular. Cosmos people love new chains, and would probably do some of the promotion. The key thing here, isn't regarding anyone as an 'old guard', but rather regarding everyone with stake in the chain as part of the consensus that will drive PR and acceptance of your thing. It's essentially public space, right? Much like democracy, achieving a broad consensus requires appealing to the largest number of people. Something that is minimally invasive to doge as a protocol, but links dogecoin to an NFT functionality should be possible. It's just that this is probably more technically ambitious than shorter term mindset people might be inclined (but also, likely more probable to create long term profits)

I'd also not say that I am complaining per se - likely this form of blockchain spam will inform future updates that can be exploited in this way, so it's useful in that sense. Future updates are likely to constrain exploitable blockspace, in a way that bitcoin and others did not with their updates. As doge hasn't implemented segwit yet, this is useful. It gets people thinking about how the chain might be used or abused. And that it will also bring forward plans to lower the burden on node runners in terms of hard drive expenses. In both senses, it's likely to promote useful adaption and thus in general is a useful thing to have brought to attention. Rather than 'kill doge', no it's likely in the long term to make doge stronger.

water4168 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for getting back to me. My bad for not realizing that dogecoin didn't implement Segwit. It would be awesome if I could make inscriptions on the dogechain, just like on the Bitcoin chain. Thanks for clearing that up for me. By the way, I don't really think side chains are the solution. I believe in the Ordinal theory, which is the best way to truly own our data.

Drael64 commented 1 year ago

Thanks for getting back to me. My bad for not realizing that dogecoin didn't implement Segwit. It would be awesome if I could make inscriptions on the dogechain, just like on the Bitcoin chain. Thanks for clearing that up for me. By the way, I don't really think side chains are the solution. I believe in the Ordinal theory, which is the best way to truly own our data.

Well, as chains, bitcoin, and dogecoin are designed to store financial data in particular. That's why they exist, and it's why every feature that was ever put in to them, was put in to them. So if you want a chain that stores other data, perhaps you could fork a proof of work chain? Would make more sense to have a chain that is purpose fit, design wise, with what you want to use it for.

Blockchains are after all like public spaces - if you start to use them in a niche manner, that acts against the purpose most people are using it for, it will foster resentment. Like if you decide that local skate park is the ideal place for you to permanently set up a brass band performance, the skaters probably won't like that. Yes it's public so technically you can do whatever you want, but there's a social dynamic at play, particularly because the people volunteering, at their own cost, to store the data, are doing so for the financial database, not for jpegs. You are effectively kind of 'stealing' their drive space, even though it's public. That's going to produce a tension, and that tension could actually erase the kind of permanence that you seek in the long run - nodes might start rejecting such information, blacklisting other nodes, or the code might get changed by network consensus.