aphalo / photobiology

Package ‘photobiology’ defines a system of classes for storing spectral data and accompanying methods and operators. This is the core of a suite of R packages for photobiological calculations.
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dplyr 1.0.8 #6

Closed romainfrancois closed 2 years ago

romainfrancois commented 2 years ago

We're about to release dplyr 1.0.8 and it seems that the released version of photobiology has issues:

# photobiology


* Version: 0.10.8
* GitHub: https://github.com/aphalo/photobiology
* Source code: https://github.com/cran/photobiology
* Date/Publication: 2021-12-08 11:50:02 UTC
* Number of recursive dependencies: 60

Run `cloud_details(, "photobiology")` for more info


## Newly broken

*   checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in ‘photobiology-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### Name: A.illuminant.spct
> ### Title: CIE A illuminant data
> ### Aliases: A.illuminant.spct
> ### Keywords: datasets
> ### ** Examples
> A.illuminant.spct
Object: source_spct [97 x 2]
Wavelength range 300 to 780 nm, step 5 nm 
Label: CIE A standard illuminant, normalized to one at 560 nm 
Time unit 1s
Spectral data normalized to 1 at 560 nm 

Error: 'trunc_mat' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dplyr'
Execution halted

it seems however fixed in the dev version.

romainfrancois commented 2 years ago

It also seems to affect photobiologyInOut :

# photobiologyInOut


* Version: 0.4.23
* GitHub: https://github.com/aphalo/photobiologyinout
* Source code: https://github.com/cran/photobiologyInOut
* Date/Publication: 2021-10-11 04:10:01 UTC
* Number of recursive dependencies: 117

Run `cloud_details(, "photobiologyInOut")` for more info


## Newly broken

*   checking examples ... ERROR
Running examples in ‘photobiologyInOut-Ex.R’ failed
The error most likely occurred in:

> ### Name: colorSpec2mspct
> ### Title: Convert 'colorSpec::colorSpec' objects
> ### Aliases: colorSpec2mspct as.source_spct.colorSpec
> ###   as.source_mspct.colorSpec as.response_spct.colorSpec
> ###   as.response_mspct.colorSpec as.filter_spct.colorSpec
> ###   as.filter_mspct.colorSpec as.reflector_spct.colorSpec
> ###   as.reflector_mspct.colorSpec as.chroma_mspct.colorSpec colorSpec2spct
The following object is masked from ‘package:photobiology’:


Object: source_spct [93 x 2]
Wavelength range 320 to 780 nm, step 5 nm 
Time unit 1s

Error: 'trunc_mat' is not an exported object from 'namespace:dplyr'
Execution halted

In both

aphalo commented 2 years ago

@romainfrancois It was easy enough in this case to remove the only call to trunc_mat() in package 'photobiology'. I have pushed the fix to GitHub. (The error in 'photobiologyInOut' was in a call to the same function from 'photobiology'.) When do you plan to submit 'dplyr' 1.0.8 to CRAN? How much time do I have to address other issues before submitting 'photobiology' to CRAN?

romainfrancois commented 2 years ago

Probably this week, or early next week.

aphalo commented 2 years ago

o.k., I will leave other changes for the next release. Thanks!

aphalo commented 2 years ago

'photobiology' 0.1.9' has passed CRAN checks and is now on its way to CRAN