aphp / heemod

Markov Models for Health Economic Evaluations
GNU General Public License v3.0
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Embedding a sensitivity within the transition matrix and running a DSA #13

Closed mmaughan0 closed 6 months ago

mmaughan0 commented 6 months ago

I want to embed an indicator within the transition probability matrix that allows mortality to vary with a change in screening delay. I can get the point estimate to change and the DSA to run - but the DSA does not return any variation in effect when I do so. I wrapped everything in the define_parameters function which was previous error I had. FUll reprex is below but I have the most relevant code immediately below

par_mod <- modify( par_mod,

screen_delay = 0


par_mod <- modify( par_mod,

death_transition_prob_base_sense = ifelse( screen_delay == 0, death_transition_prob_base, death_transition_prob_base * (1.11)^screen_delay) )

#> Loading required package: survival
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

##setting up directory, as we have many tables to put in that are too large to practically code##

setwd("C:/Users/Matt/OneDrive/Documents/Portfolio Project")

##reading in necessary tables from directory##

#> function (name, pos = -1L, envir = as.environment(pos), all.names = FALSE, 
#>     pattern, sorted = TRUE) 
#> {
#>     if (!missing(name)) {
#>         pos <- tryCatch(name, error = function(e) e)
#>         if (inherits(pos, "error")) {
#>             name <- substitute(name)
#>             if (!is.character(name)) 
#>                 name <- deparse(name)
#>             warning(gettextf("%s converted to character string", 
#>                 sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
#>             pos <- name
#>         }
#>     }
#>     all.names <- .Internal(ls(envir, all.names, sorted))
#>     if (!missing(pattern)) {
#>         if ((ll <- length(grep("[", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) && 
#>             ll != length(grep("]", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) {
#>             if (pattern == "[") {
#>                 pattern <- "\\["
#>                 warning("replaced regular expression pattern '[' by  '\\\\['")
#>             }
#>             else if (length(grep("[^\\\\]\\[<-", pattern))) {
#>                 pattern <- sub("\\[<-", "\\\\\\[<-", pattern)
#>                 warning("replaced '[<-' by '\\\\[<-' in regular expression pattern")
#>             }
#>         }
#>         grep(pattern, all.names, value = TRUE)
#>     }
#>     else all.names
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x0000020756e8dff0>
#> <environment: namespace:base>

##par_mod <- define_parameters(
##age_base = 30*365,##cycle in this model is 1 day
##age_cycle = model_time + age_base)

## I muted this code above because I don't think its necessary to import WHO life tables - as my cycle length is 1 day and the lifetables
#are based on years I do not want to muddle the two. I can realize the lost life years during transition to the death state

#> function (x = NULL, input = NULL, wd = NULL, venue = c("gh", 
#>     "r", "rtf", "html", "slack", "so", "ds"), render = TRUE, 
#>     advertise = NULL, session_info = opt(FALSE), style = opt(FALSE), 
#>     comment = opt("#>"), tidyverse_quiet = opt(TRUE), std_out_err = opt(FALSE), 
#>     html_preview = opt(TRUE), outfile = deprecated(), show = deprecated(), 
#>     si = deprecated()) 
#> {
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(show)) {
#>         html_preview <- show
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "1.0.0", what = "reprex(show)", 
#>             with = "reprex(html_preview)")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(si)) {
#>         session_info <- si
#>     }
#>     reprex_impl(x_expr = substitute(x), input = input, wd = wd, 
#>         venue = venue, render = render, new_session = TRUE, advertise = advertise, 
#>         session_info = session_info, style = style, html_preview = html_preview, 
#>         comment = comment, tidyverse_quiet = tidyverse_quiet, 
#>         std_out_err = std_out_err, outfile = outfile)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x000002075bc9f5a8>
#> <environment: namespace:reprex>

par_mod <- define_parameters(

  p_death_disease_base = compute_surv(
    fit_death_disease_base, ##fit death disease base will be defined later, and will pull in TTE tables
    time = state_time, ##state time means time in that given state, in this case it will be in the "conf-sick" state
    km_limit = 28)) ## km_limit is 28 because the tables I have go to 28 days

##The above code is calculating probability based on a life curve that I will define in a later piece of code##

par_mod <- modify(

  p_death_disease_mAb114 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

##the above code does evertything the p_death_disease_base does, but for the REGNEB3 treatment

par_mod <- modify(

  p_death_disease_REGN_EB3 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above code does everything p_death_disease_base does, but for the mAb114 treatment
##pulling in induct to treat table##

par_mod <- modify(

  p_tx_screen = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above code is setting a probability of moving to the next stage for the time between induction(screen) and treatment. 
##fit_screen_treatment will be defined later

###pulling in discharge tables###

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_base = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_mAb114 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_REGNEB3 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above probabilities function just like the death probabilities, but for discharge

##dummy table to allow the reprex to work. actual model has different tables for each##

tab_surv <- structure(list(time = c(0.4, 8.7, 7, 5.1, 9.2, 1, 0.5, 3.3, 1.8,
                                    3, 6.7, 3.7, 1.1, 5.9, 5.1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,10), 
                           status = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
              1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L)), .Names = c("time", "status"), row.names = c(NA, -25L), class = "data.frame")

##The below code is what fits the curves into probabilities

fit_death_disease_base <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_death_disease_mAb114 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_death_disease_REGNEB3 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_screen_to_treatment <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_base <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_mAb114 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_REGNEB3 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

###define matrices####

##putting in point estimates from Levine et. al. paper. All diagnostic rates can be derived from these 3 data points##
# prevalence may correlate with sens/spec in an epidemiological sense, but not in a mathematical sense. For our purposes they are considered independent

#TP = True Positive
#TN = True Negative
#FP = False Positive
#FN = False Negative

#Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN) --> Think "If I am positive, what are the chances I test positive"
#Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) --> Think "If I am negative, what are the chances I test negative"
# Prevalence = (TP+FN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN) --> What are the chances a person in the given population has the disease

##drew the below from Levine et. al. 2015 - which helpfully has confidence intervals, and thus can be coded probabilistically 
sensitivity_algo = .93
specificity_algo = .23
prevalence = .42

## the below just rearranges all the terms and definitions above algebraically. no new information is here, just rearranging

positive_algo = sensitivity_algo * prevalence + (1- specificity_algo) * (1- prevalence)

p_pos_low = ((1-sensitivity_algo)*prevalence)/(((1- sensitivity_algo)* prevalence) + (specificity_algo * (1- prevalence)))
p_pos_hi = (sensitivity_algo * prevalence)/((sensitivity_algo * prevalence)+((1- prevalence)*(1- specificity_algo)))

##define base transition matrix##

par_mod <- modify(

  screen_delay = 0


par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_base = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  death_transition_prob_base_sense = ifelse(
    screen_delay == 0, 
    death_transition_prob_base * (1.11)^screen_delay)

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_mAb114 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_REGNEB3 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  screen_transition_prob = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days - 5, 

mat_base <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_base, p_discharge_base, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.


mat_mAb_114 <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_mAb114, p_discharge_mAb114, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.

mat_REGN_EB3 <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_REGNEB3, p_discharge_REGNEB3, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.

###define state values###

state_induction <- define_state(
  cost_total = 0, 
  qaly = 0
## costs are still dummy values, BUT the following should be included
##SoC costs (Bartsh et. al) (all strategies, all states within the ETU)
##incremental cold chain costs (Mvundura et. al. WHO/UNICEF) (experimental arms)
## Incremental Training costs for mAb (conf_sick state in experimental arms, first day, spread across all pos patients)
##burial costs (for death state, all arms)

## qalys are negligible in every state but death, where the lost life years over the course of a lifetime are considered
## can absolutely code probabilistically based on life tables, have found literature of average age at induction

state_triage_hi <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  qaly = 0

state_triage_low <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost_low,
  qaly = 0

state_terminal <- define_state(
  cost_total = 0,
  qaly = 0

## step 1 - Bartsch et. al. 2014 defines ppe and drug cost per episode for both those who recover and those who die, and duration of treatment.
##step 2: divide this cost for those who recovered (830/11.2) = 74.1 and those who die 321/4.2 = 76.4
##step 3: average out to 75
##step 4: convert to 2024 dollars.https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm Decided to use exchange rates rather than PPP due to Bartsch methodology and variety of possible payors and locations

Per_Survivor_Cost = 830
Per_Dead_Cost = 321
Avg_2014_Pt_Cost = (Per_Survivor_Cost/11.2 + Per_Dead_Cost/4.2)/2

CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 = 1.32

Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost = CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 * Avg_2014_Pt_Cost

### we are going to do same calculation for the not as severe supportive care from Bartsch 2014 so we can estimate SoC low triage

Per_Survivor_Cost_low = 446
Per_Dead_Cost_low = 185
Avg_2014_Pt_Cost_low = (Per_Survivor_Cost_low/11.2 + Per_Dead_Cost_low/4.2)/2

Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost_low = CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 * Avg_2014_Pt_Cost_low

CI_Per_Surv_cost = 862-800
CI_Per_Dead_cost = 351-292
CI_Per_Surv_cost_low = 466-428
CI_Per_Dead_cost_low = 202-169

##step 1: Wilson 2014 suggests ~100 patients on a continuing basis (80 when she arrived, 120 at peak). She mentions 102 direct care personnel (78/24 registered vs. certified) total
##step 2: assuming incremental training on mAbs will take all of these nurses 1 day of wages
##step 3: average wage calc - McCoy et al. 2008 - 4 different countries - assuming registered nurse closer to the 78 nurses and certified closer to assistants
##3a: Burkina Faso 2454 RN 1871 CN (2006) Ghana RN 4896 (2005) Zambia 4128 (2005) Nigeria 5097 (2001). Use BF ratio for other countries 

## the below have already been run through the CPI calculator in Jan of their respective year to Jan 23##

BF_RN_ann_wage = 3702
BF_CN_ann_wage = 2823
Zambia_RN_ann_wage = 6476
Nigeria_RN_ann_wage = 8709
Ghana_RN_ann_wage = 7680

BF_ratio_RN_CN = BF_RN_ann_wage/BF_CN_ann_wage

Zambia_CN_ann_wage = Zambia_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN
Nigeria_CN_ann_wage = Nigeria_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN
Ghana_CN_ann_wage = Ghana_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN

##Step 4: do weighted average of CN/RN wage based on wilson paper

RN_pct_DC = 78/102

Ghana_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Ghana_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Ghana_CN_ann_wage
Zambia_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Zambia_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Zambia_CN_ann_wage
Nigeria_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Nigeria_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Nigeria_CN_ann_wage
BF_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*BF_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*BF_CN_ann_wage

Regional_avg_wage = mean(Ghana_avg_wage, Zambia_avg_wage, Nigeria_avg_wage, BF_avg_wage)

working_days_per_year = 250
##5 days per week, 50 weeks per year, accounting for travel time sickness etc.##

Regional_daily_wage = Regional_avg_wage/working_days_per_year

##step 5: add wage back up for all health workers, allocate it at a patient level, using total patients in WIlson paper

Total_ETU_Patients = 600
Confirmed_cases = prevalence* Total_ETU_Patients

Training_cost_pp = Regional_daily_wage*102/Confirmed_cases


#First define DALYs so that we can place into distribution for sensitivity analysis later#

LY_point_est = 43.2

#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'LY_dist' not found
###All Prev Figures taken from Shantha et. al.###
###All DW Figures taken from Salomon et. al.###

Mild_Prev = 14/191
Mild_DW = .004

Moderate_Prev = 2/191
Moderate_DW = .033

Blindness_Prev = 10/191
Blindness_DW = .195

DW_Vision_Impair = Mild_Prev*Mild_DW + Moderate_Prev*Moderate_DW + Blindness_Prev*Blindness_DW

state_sick_base <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost, 
  qaly = 0

###before defining the sick state, we need to allow it to only charge for mAb on day 1###

##going to first define Soc per day cost##

Tx_cost = 500

##this is a discreet decision point less than a probabilistic sensitivity. the types of people using this model as a decision tool often are also negotiating the price, so it can be an output of the decsion making process, not an input

TLC_Cost= 6890
Days_Operation = 120
Resupply_Cost_ETU = 92

Amortization_Rate = Days_Operation/(365*5)
Refrigeration_Cost = TLC_Cost * Amortization_Rate
CCL_cost_ETU = Resupply_Cost_ETU + Refrigeration_Cost

CCL_Cost_pp = CCL_cost_ETU/Confirmed_cases

##McCoy et. al.

par_mod <- modify(

  cost_tx_start = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost + Tx_cost + CCL_Cost_pp + Training_cost_pp,
  cost_tx_end = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  n_days = 1,
  cost_tx_cycle_mAb114 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days-9.9,

state_sick_mAb114 <- define_state(
  cost_total = cost_tx_cycle_mAb114,
  qaly = 0

par_mod <- modify(

  cost_tx_start = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost + Tx_cost + CCL_Cost_pp + Training_cost_pp,
  cost_tx_end = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  n_days = 11,
  cost_tx_cycle_REGN_EB3 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days-9.9, ## we first defined in n days in the probability matrix to cut off the KM curve at 10 days. For that reason we have to use it as a reference point

state_sick_REGN_Eb3 <- define_state(
  cost_total = cost_tx_cycle_REGN_EB3,
  qaly = 0

state_death <- define_state(
  cost_total = 50,
  qaly = (LY_point_est*-1)*(1-DW_Vision_Impair)

##define strategies##

strat_base <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_base,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_base,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

strat_mAb114 <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_mAb_114,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_mAb114,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

strat_REGN_EB3 <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_REGN_EB3,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_REGN_Eb3,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

res_mod <- run_model(
  parameters = par_mod,

  mAb114 = strat_mAb114,
  REGN_EB3 = strat_REGN_EB3,
  base = strat_base,

  cycles = 40,

  cost = cost_total,
  effect = qaly,

  method = "life-table"
#> mAb114: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.
#> REGN_EB3: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.
#> base: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.

summary(res_mod, threshold = c(1000,5000,15000))
#> 3 strategies run for 40 cycles.
#> Initial state counts:
#> induction = 1000L
#> triage_hi = 0L
#> triage_lo = 0L
#> conf_sick = 0L
#> death = 0L
#> terminal = 0L
#> Counting method: 'life-table'.
#> Values:
#>          cost_total    qaly
#> mAb114     935086.6 -7664.1
#> REGN_EB3   935086.6 -7664.1
#> base       719247.6 -7664.1
#> Net monetary benefit difference:
#>             1000    5000   15000
#> mAb114     0.000   0.000   0.000
#> REGN_EB3   0.000   0.000   0.000
#> base     215.839 215.839 215.839
#> Efficiency frontier:
#> base
#> Differences:
#>          Cost Diff. Effect Diff. ICER   Ref.
#> REGN_EB3      0.000            0  NaN mAb114
#> base       -215.839            0 -Inf mAb114

def_dsa <- define_dsa(
  screen_delay, 0, 5)

res_dsa <- run_dsa(res_mod, dsa = def_dsa)
#> Running DSA on strategy 'mAb114'...
#> Running DSA on strategy 'REGN_EB3'...
#> Running DSA on strategy 'base'...

plot(res_dsa, type = "simple", result = "effect", strategy= "base")

Created on 2024-03-07 with reprex v2.1.0

KZARCA commented 6 months ago

Did you use death_transition_prob_base_sense somewhere in your model?

mmaughan0 commented 6 months ago

I did on the original but forgot to add into the reprex

#> Loading required package: survival
#> Attaching package: 'dplyr'
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:stats':
#>     filter, lag
#> The following objects are masked from 'package:base':
#>     intersect, setdiff, setequal, union

##setting up directory, as we have many tables to put in that are too large to practically code##

setwd("C:/Users/Matt/OneDrive/Documents/Portfolio Project")

##reading in necessary tables from directory##

#> function (name, pos = -1L, envir = as.environment(pos), all.names = FALSE, 
#>     pattern, sorted = TRUE) 
#> {
#>     if (!missing(name)) {
#>         pos <- tryCatch(name, error = function(e) e)
#>         if (inherits(pos, "error")) {
#>             name <- substitute(name)
#>             if (!is.character(name)) 
#>                 name <- deparse(name)
#>             warning(gettextf("%s converted to character string", 
#>                 sQuote(name)), domain = NA)
#>             pos <- name
#>         }
#>     }
#>     all.names <- .Internal(ls(envir, all.names, sorted))
#>     if (!missing(pattern)) {
#>         if ((ll <- length(grep("[", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) && 
#>             ll != length(grep("]", pattern, fixed = TRUE))) {
#>             if (pattern == "[") {
#>                 pattern <- "\\["
#>                 warning("replaced regular expression pattern '[' by  '\\\\['")
#>             }
#>             else if (length(grep("[^\\\\]\\[<-", pattern))) {
#>                 pattern <- sub("\\[<-", "\\\\\\[<-", pattern)
#>                 warning("replaced '[<-' by '\\\\[<-' in regular expression pattern")
#>             }
#>         }
#>         grep(pattern, all.names, value = TRUE)
#>     }
#>     else all.names
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x0000020c948e0330>
#> <environment: namespace:base>

##par_mod <- define_parameters(
##age_base = 30*365,##cycle in this model is 1 day
##age_cycle = model_time + age_base)

## I muted this code above because I don't think its necessary to import WHO life tables - as my cycle length is 1 day and the lifetables
#are based on years I do not want to muddle the two. I can realize the lost life years during transition to the death state

#> function (x = NULL, input = NULL, wd = NULL, venue = c("gh", 
#>     "r", "rtf", "html", "slack", "so", "ds"), render = TRUE, 
#>     advertise = NULL, session_info = opt(FALSE), style = opt(FALSE), 
#>     comment = opt("#>"), tidyverse_quiet = opt(TRUE), std_out_err = opt(FALSE), 
#>     html_preview = opt(TRUE), outfile = deprecated(), show = deprecated(), 
#>     si = deprecated()) 
#> {
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(show)) {
#>         html_preview <- show
#>         lifecycle::deprecate_warn(when = "1.0.0", what = "reprex(show)", 
#>             with = "reprex(html_preview)")
#>     }
#>     if (lifecycle::is_present(si)) {
#>         session_info <- si
#>     }
#>     reprex_impl(x_expr = substitute(x), input = input, wd = wd, 
#>         venue = venue, render = render, new_session = TRUE, advertise = advertise, 
#>         session_info = session_info, style = style, html_preview = html_preview, 
#>         comment = comment, tidyverse_quiet = tidyverse_quiet, 
#>         std_out_err = std_out_err, outfile = outfile)
#> }
#> <bytecode: 0x0000020c995cb6e8>
#> <environment: namespace:reprex>

par_mod <- define_parameters(

  p_death_disease_base = compute_surv(
    fit_death_disease_base, ##fit death disease base will be defined later, and will pull in TTE tables
    time = state_time, ##state time means time in that given state, in this case it will be in the "conf-sick" state
    km_limit = 28)) ## km_limit is 28 because the tables I have go to 28 days

##The above code is calculating probability based on a life curve that I will define in a later piece of code##

par_mod <- modify(

  p_death_disease_mAb114 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

##the above code does evertything the p_death_disease_base does, but for the REGNEB3 treatment

par_mod <- modify(

  p_death_disease_REGN_EB3 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above code does everything p_death_disease_base does, but for the mAb114 treatment
##pulling in induct to treat table##

par_mod <- modify(

  p_tx_screen = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above code is setting a probability of moving to the next stage for the time between induction(screen) and treatment. 
##fit_screen_treatment will be defined later

###pulling in discharge tables###

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_base = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_mAb114 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

par_mod <- modify(

  p_discharge_REGNEB3 = compute_surv(
    time = state_time,
    km_limit = 28))

## the above probabilities function just like the death probabilities, but for discharge

##dummy table to allow the reprex to work. actual model has different tables for each##

tab_surv <- structure(list(time = c(0.4, 8.7, 7, 5.1, 9.2, 1, 0.5, 3.3, 1.8,
                                    3, 6.7, 3.7, 1.1, 5.9, 5.1, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10, 10,10), 
                           status = c(1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L, 1L,
              1L, 1L, 1L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L, 0L)), .Names = c("time", "status"), row.names = c(NA, -25L), class = "data.frame")

##The below code is what fits the curves into probabilities

fit_death_disease_base <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_death_disease_mAb114 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_death_disease_REGNEB3 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_screen_to_treatment <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_base <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_mAb114 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

fit_discharge_REGNEB3 <- flexsurv::flexsurvreg(
  survival::Surv(time, status) ~ 1,
  dist = "gompertz",
  data = tab_surv)

###define matrices####

##putting in point estimates from Levine et. al. paper. All diagnostic rates can be derived from these 3 data points##
# prevalence may correlate with sens/spec in an epidemiological sense, but not in a mathematical sense. For our purposes they are considered independent

#TP = True Positive
#TN = True Negative
#FP = False Positive
#FN = False Negative

#Sensitivity = TP/(TP+FN) --> Think "If I am positive, what are the chances I test positive"
#Specificity = TN/(TN+FP) --> Think "If I am negative, what are the chances I test negative"
# Prevalence = (TP+FN)/(TP+TN+FP+FN) --> What are the chances a person in the given population has the disease

##drew the below from Levine et. al. 2015 - which helpfully has confidence intervals, and thus can be coded probabilistically 
sensitivity_algo = .93
specificity_algo = .23
prevalence = .42

## the below just rearranges all the terms and definitions above algebraically. no new information is here, just rearranging

positive_algo = sensitivity_algo * prevalence + (1- specificity_algo) * (1- prevalence)

p_pos_low = ((1-sensitivity_algo)*prevalence)/(((1- sensitivity_algo)* prevalence) + (specificity_algo * (1- prevalence)))
p_pos_hi = (sensitivity_algo * prevalence)/((sensitivity_algo * prevalence)+((1- prevalence)*(1- specificity_algo)))

##define base transition matrix##

par_mod <- modify(

  screen_delay = 0


par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_base = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  death_transition_prob_base_sense = ifelse(
    screen_delay == 0, 
    death_transition_prob_base * (1.11)^screen_delay)

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_mAb114 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  death_transition_prob_REGNEB3 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days, 

par_mod <- modify(

  n_days = 11,
  screen_transition_prob = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days - 5, 

mat_base <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_base_sense, p_discharge_base, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.


mat_mAb_114 <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_mAb114, p_discharge_mAb114, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.

mat_REGN_EB3 <- define_transition(
  state_names = c("induction", "triage_hi", "triage_lo", "conf_sick", "death", "terminal"),

  0, positive_algo, C, 0, 0, 0, ##you can only go from induction (where you start) to two states - hi or low triage. the positive algo gives a point estimate
  0, C, 0, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_hi, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_hi),  ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_hionce in triage_hi, the p_tx_screen gives the chances of moving to next stage by day, but multiplies this by chance of being positive. 
  0, 0, C, screen_transition_prob*p_pos_low, 0, screen_transition_prob*(1-p_pos_low), ##p_tx_screen*p_pos_low same as above but starting from low 
  0, 0, 0, C, death_transition_prob_REGNEB3, p_discharge_REGNEB3, ##there are two curves here from the confirmed sick state, you can either die or be discharged. the "plug" is remaining in that state. I  am honestly not sure if this will work.
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1, ##death covers death through burial. it is not a terminal state - leaving it as a terminal state would count the death costs every remaining cycle, vastly overcounting QALY loss and burial cost
  0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 1) #terminal is the only terminal state.

###define state values###

state_induction <- define_state(
  cost_total = 0, 
  qaly = 0
## costs are still dummy values, BUT the following should be included
##SoC costs (Bartsh et. al) (all strategies, all states within the ETU)
##incremental cold chain costs (Mvundura et. al. WHO/UNICEF) (experimental arms)
## Incremental Training costs for mAb (conf_sick state in experimental arms, first day, spread across all pos patients)
##burial costs (for death state, all arms)

## qalys are negligible in every state but death, where the lost life years over the course of a lifetime are considered
## can absolutely code probabilistically based on life tables, have found literature of average age at induction

state_triage_hi <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  qaly = 0

state_triage_low <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost_low,
  qaly = 0

state_terminal <- define_state(
  cost_total = 0,
  qaly = 0

## step 1 - Bartsch et. al. 2014 defines ppe and drug cost per episode for both those who recover and those who die, and duration of treatment.
##step 2: divide this cost for those who recovered (830/11.2) = 74.1 and those who die 321/4.2 = 76.4
##step 3: average out to 75
##step 4: convert to 2024 dollars.https://www.bls.gov/data/inflation_calculator.htm Decided to use exchange rates rather than PPP due to Bartsch methodology and variety of possible payors and locations

Per_Survivor_Cost = 830
Per_Dead_Cost = 321
Avg_2014_Pt_Cost = (Per_Survivor_Cost/11.2 + Per_Dead_Cost/4.2)/2

CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 = 1.32

Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost = CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 * Avg_2014_Pt_Cost

### we are going to do same calculation for the not as severe supportive care from Bartsch 2014 so we can estimate SoC low triage

Per_Survivor_Cost_low = 446
Per_Dead_Cost_low = 185
Avg_2014_Pt_Cost_low = (Per_Survivor_Cost_low/11.2 + Per_Dead_Cost_low/4.2)/2

Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost_low = CPI_Multiplier_2014_2024 * Avg_2014_Pt_Cost_low

CI_Per_Surv_cost = 862-800
CI_Per_Dead_cost = 351-292
CI_Per_Surv_cost_low = 466-428
CI_Per_Dead_cost_low = 202-169

##step 1: Wilson 2014 suggests ~100 patients on a continuing basis (80 when she arrived, 120 at peak). She mentions 102 direct care personnel (78/24 registered vs. certified) total
##step 2: assuming incremental training on mAbs will take all of these nurses 1 day of wages
##step 3: average wage calc - McCoy et al. 2008 - 4 different countries - assuming registered nurse closer to the 78 nurses and certified closer to assistants
##3a: Burkina Faso 2454 RN 1871 CN (2006) Ghana RN 4896 (2005) Zambia 4128 (2005) Nigeria 5097 (2001). Use BF ratio for other countries 

## the below have already been run through the CPI calculator in Jan of their respective year to Jan 23##

BF_RN_ann_wage = 3702
BF_CN_ann_wage = 2823
Zambia_RN_ann_wage = 6476
Nigeria_RN_ann_wage = 8709
Ghana_RN_ann_wage = 7680

BF_ratio_RN_CN = BF_RN_ann_wage/BF_CN_ann_wage

Zambia_CN_ann_wage = Zambia_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN
Nigeria_CN_ann_wage = Nigeria_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN
Ghana_CN_ann_wage = Ghana_RN_ann_wage/BF_ratio_RN_CN

##Step 4: do weighted average of CN/RN wage based on wilson paper

RN_pct_DC = 78/102

Ghana_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Ghana_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Ghana_CN_ann_wage
Zambia_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Zambia_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Zambia_CN_ann_wage
Nigeria_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*Nigeria_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*Nigeria_CN_ann_wage
BF_avg_wage = RN_pct_DC*BF_RN_ann_wage + (1-RN_pct_DC)*BF_CN_ann_wage

Regional_avg_wage = mean(Ghana_avg_wage, Zambia_avg_wage, Nigeria_avg_wage, BF_avg_wage)

working_days_per_year = 250
##5 days per week, 50 weeks per year, accounting for travel time sickness etc.##

Regional_daily_wage = Regional_avg_wage/working_days_per_year

##step 5: add wage back up for all health workers, allocate it at a patient level, using total patients in WIlson paper

Total_ETU_Patients = 600
Confirmed_cases = prevalence* Total_ETU_Patients

Training_cost_pp = Regional_daily_wage*102/Confirmed_cases


#First define DALYs so that we can place into distribution for sensitivity analysis later#

LY_point_est = 43.2

#> Error in eval(expr, envir, enclos): object 'LY_dist' not found
###All Prev Figures taken from Shantha et. al.###
###All DW Figures taken from Salomon et. al.###

Mild_Prev = 14/191
Mild_DW = .004

Moderate_Prev = 2/191
Moderate_DW = .033

Blindness_Prev = 10/191
Blindness_DW = .195

DW_Vision_Impair = Mild_Prev*Mild_DW + Moderate_Prev*Moderate_DW + Blindness_Prev*Blindness_DW

state_sick_base <- define_state(
  cost_total = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost, 
  qaly = 0

###before defining the sick state, we need to allow it to only charge for mAb on day 1###

##going to first define Soc per day cost##

Tx_cost = 500

##this is a discreet decision point less than a probabilistic sensitivity. the types of people using this model as a decision tool often are also negotiating the price, so it can be an output of the decsion making process, not an input

TLC_Cost= 6890
Days_Operation = 120
Resupply_Cost_ETU = 92

Amortization_Rate = Days_Operation/(365*5)
Refrigeration_Cost = TLC_Cost * Amortization_Rate
CCL_cost_ETU = Resupply_Cost_ETU + Refrigeration_Cost

CCL_Cost_pp = CCL_cost_ETU/Confirmed_cases

##McCoy et. al.

par_mod <- modify(

  cost_tx_start = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost + Tx_cost + CCL_Cost_pp + Training_cost_pp,
  cost_tx_end = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  n_days = 1,
  cost_tx_cycle_mAb114 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days-9.9,

state_sick_mAb114 <- define_state(
  cost_total = cost_tx_cycle_mAb114,
  qaly = 0

par_mod <- modify(

  cost_tx_start = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost + Tx_cost + CCL_Cost_pp + Training_cost_pp,
  cost_tx_end = Avg_2024_SoC_Pt_Cost,
  n_days = 11,
  cost_tx_cycle_REGN_EB3 = ifelse(
    state_time < n_days-9.9, ## we first defined in n days in the probability matrix to cut off the KM curve at 10 days. For that reason we have to use it as a reference point

state_sick_REGN_Eb3 <- define_state(
  cost_total = cost_tx_cycle_REGN_EB3,
  qaly = 0

state_death <- define_state(
  cost_total = 50,
  qaly = (LY_point_est*-1)*(1-DW_Vision_Impair)

##define strategies##

strat_base <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_base,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_base,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

strat_mAb114 <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_mAb_114,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_mAb114,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

strat_REGN_EB3 <- define_strategy(
  transition = mat_REGN_EB3,

  induction = state_induction,
  triage_hi = state_triage_hi,
  triage_lo = state_triage_low,
  conf_sick = state_sick_REGN_Eb3,
  death = state_death,
  terminal = state_terminal

res_mod <- run_model(
  parameters = par_mod,

  mAb114 = strat_mAb114,
  REGN_EB3 = strat_REGN_EB3,
  base = strat_base,

  cycles = 40,

  cost = cost_total,
  effect = qaly,

  method = "life-table"
#> mAb114: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.
#> REGN_EB3: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.
#> base: detected use of 'state_time', expanding states: conf_sick, triage_hi, triage_lo.

summary(res_mod, threshold = c(1000,5000,15000))
#> 3 strategies run for 40 cycles.
#> Initial state counts:
#> induction = 1000L
#> triage_hi = 0L
#> triage_lo = 0L
#> conf_sick = 0L
#> death = 0L
#> terminal = 0L
#> Counting method: 'life-table'.
#> Values:
#>          cost_total    qaly
#> mAb114     935086.6 -7664.1
#> REGN_EB3   935086.6 -7664.1
#> base       719247.6 -7664.1
#> Net monetary benefit difference:
#>             1000    5000   15000
#> mAb114     0.000   0.000   0.000
#> REGN_EB3   0.000   0.000   0.000
#> base     215.839 215.839 215.839
#> Efficiency frontier:
#> base
#> Differences:
#>          Cost Diff. Effect Diff. ICER   Ref.
#> REGN_EB3      0.000            0  NaN mAb114
#> base       -215.839            0 -Inf mAb114

def_dsa <- define_dsa(
  screen_delay, 0, 5)

res_dsa <- run_dsa(res_mod, dsa = def_dsa)
#> Running DSA on strategy 'mAb114'...
#> Running DSA on strategy 'REGN_EB3'...
#> Running DSA on strategy 'base'...

plot(res_dsa, type = "simple", result = "effect", strategy= "base")

Created on 2024-03-07 with reprex v2.1.0

mmaughan0 commented 6 months ago

now it worked in the reprex but it doesnt work in my original.... back to teh drawing board I guess

mmaughan0 commented 6 months ago

Ok this is very strange - I figured out the issue but I am not sure how to fix it. If you leave the base case for screen_delay at zero - it will not vary in the DSA - however, if base case is above zero it WILL vary. the problem is I want my base case to be zero.

mmaughan0 commented 6 months ago

Found a work around - base case is very small number close to zero, and the conditional statement is directional

par_mod <- modify( par_mod,

screen_delay = .1


par_mod <- modify( par_mod,

n_days = 11, death_transition_prob_base = ifelse( state_time < n_days, p_death_disease_base, 0) )

par_mod <- modify( par_mod,

death_transition_prob_base_sense = ifelse( screen_delay <=.1, death_transition_prob_base, death_transition_prob_base * (1.11)^screen_delay)