api-platform / create-client

Generate React or Vue.js-based Progressive Web Apps from an Hydra-enabled API. Also support React Native.
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Next.js: Form component for input type="checkbox" not working and type error #371

Open metaclass-nl opened 10 months ago

metaclass-nl commented 10 months ago

create-client version(s) affected: 0.10.0


After generating an app in the pwa container derived from the standard distribution the onInvoice checkbox in the hours Form does not work and when running

docker compose exec pwa pnpm next build

i get the following type error: ./components/hours/Form.tsx values.onInvoice Type 'boolean | ""' is not assignable to type 'string | number | readonly string[] | undefined'.

This happens because templates/next/components/foo/Form.tsx for input type="checkbox" uses 164-165:

                  {{#compare type "!=" "dateTime" }}
                  value={values.{{name}} ?? ""}

At first sight is may seem strange that an input wiht type="checkbox" does not accept booleans. But if you correct the type passed to value= and test the input you will see that the checkbox never gets checked.

How to reproduce

Clone MetaClass' Tutorial Api Platform repository using git:

git clone https://github.com/metaclass-nl/tutorial-api-platform.git

check out branch chapter2-next

start the containers with

docker compose up

The api container should execute the data base migrations automatically. If not do:

docker compose exec php ./bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate

To clear the database and execute the fixtures enter the following command:

docker compose exec php bin/console doctrine:fixtures:load

Follow the instructions from readme.md. or point your browser to the same branch on github and follow the instructions.

The paragraph "Checking types" describes how to reprocude this error as well as serveral others for wich seperate issues exist/will be created.

Possible Solution

What helps is to replace in the generated code:

                value={values.onInvoice ?? ""}



Then the checkbox should be checked if onInvoice is true.

I guess the template needs an other {{#compare type "=" "checkbox" }} to handle this case.

Additional Context
Api Platform version v3.1.3 typescript config see pnpm-lock.yaml and tsconfig.json