@Mertcan Karik
reported that admin CLI doesn't work with the default parameters on Polygon because it complains about the gas fee being too low. Admin CLI seems to auto-detect that Polygon supports EIP1559 and use it with a 3.12 gwei tip, the problem here is that Polygon block space demand is too volatile because of the low block time, causing large tips to be required very often.
In short, admin CLI doesn't work on Polygon with default parameters. This is a significant problem.
Instead of abandoning EIP1559 transactions, user will be able to choose EIP1559 or our legacy gas oracle. We will utilize Admin CLI overrides
no override - we use fetchProviderRecommendedGasPrice from our oracle (legacy)
override to use EIP1559 - we use fetchProviderRecommendedEip1559GasPrice from our oracle
override to use fixed price - we use fetchConstantGasPrice from our oracle
@Mertcan Karik reported that admin CLI doesn't work with the default parameters on Polygon because it complains about the gas fee being too low. Admin CLI seems to auto-detect that Polygon supports EIP1559 and use it with a 3.12 gwei tip, the problem here is that Polygon block space demand is too volatile because of the low block time, causing large tips to be required very often. In short, admin CLI doesn't work on Polygon with default parameters. This is a significant problem.
Instead of abandoning EIP1559 transactions, user will be able to choose EIP1559 or our legacy gas oracle. We will utilize Admin CLI overrides
from our oracle (legacy)fetchProviderRecommendedEip1559GasPrice
from our oraclefetchConstantGasPrice
from our oraclebased on discussion here: https://api3workspace.slack.com/archives/C02AYRX8D89/p1666617038040259