apibara / dna

Apibara is the fastest platform to build production-grade indexers that connect onchain data to web2 services.
Apache License 2.0
166 stars 26 forks source link

charts: add operator helm chart #365

Closed fracek closed 2 months ago

fracek commented 2 months ago


The Apibara Operator is the easiest way to run Apibara indexers on Kubernetes. The operator doesn't have any complex dependencies or requirements, but requires configuring the service account correctly which can be difficult to do.

Testing strategy

helm install my-test oci://quay.io/apibara-charts/operator \
    --namespace=test-ns \
    --set-json 'customArgs=["start", "--namespace=test-ns"]' \
    --set-json='test.enabled=true' \