**Describe the bug**
So I have been using codium for almost a year now and as usual I was updating my machine and got this error;
download.vscodium.com …
* Currency name: Liquid Bitcoin
* Symbol: L-BTC
* Website: https://blockstream.com/liquid/
* Theme color: #0D1437
* Logo (SVG): https://blockstream.com/img/logos/liquid.svg
When compiling the following with `-Z polonius`, compilation takes a lot longer than it probably should (an entire 4 seconds on my machine) and it gets much worse with more elements in the array.
Papunetin yhteydessä kuvien rajaus ei toimi. Kommenteista löytyy konsolista löytyvät errorit.
Here's my issue:
-Format hard drive w/ FreeMcBoot memory card
-Make +OPL folder at 1.5gb
-Install FREEHDDBOOT w/ OPL 1.0 from a FreeMcBoot memory card and usb
-Open OPL once to create directories
build web3 dapp, which will be
1. create user with address and password (hash of password) in our postgres db
i wanted to set a taint on the worker node.
variable "worker_cloud_init_configure" {
type = bool
default = true
variable "worker_cloud_init_oke" {
default =
As a public institution user i want to be able to see the student number when i search for students. i also want the student number to be a mandatory field in the application
**Acceptance Criteria**…
### Describe the new feature.
There is no option to set the location of announcements - they will always appear in the top right which often causes them to be partially cut off.
Additionally, the s…