Right now, most of the synth engine are monophonic (just pd is poly and midi ^^). To make the UI easier, we could make the pattern mono (in case poly is require there would just be multiple sequence for the same patch).
However, each step could have a dedicated patch, so we don't load patch per pattern, but patch per step...
Therefor, we should combine, sequence creation and pattern together. In the sequence, we could create a poll of patches. And then assign one of those patch per step.
We might not chair pattern anymore but make pattern bound to a sequence and therefor copy/paste (duplicate) sequence would then be necessary.
We could have one more param where each step could pass extra param... maybe a json, or a number, or ...? it could may even depends on the assigned patch...
Right now, most of the synth engine are monophonic (just pd is poly and midi ^^). To make the UI easier, we could make the pattern mono (in case poly is require there would just be multiple sequence for the same patch). However, each step could have a dedicated patch, so we don't load patch per pattern, but patch per step...
Therefor, we should combine, sequence creation and pattern together. In the sequence, we could create a poll of patches. And then assign one of those patch per step. We might not chair pattern anymore but make pattern bound to a sequence and therefor copy/paste (duplicate) sequence would then be necessary.
We could have one more param where each step could pass extra param... maybe a json, or a number, or ...? it could may even depends on the assigned patch...
(should we keep pd??)