apify / actor-templates

This project is the :house: home of Apify actor template projects to help users quickly get started.
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Crawlee + Cheerio + TS template using outdated eslint plugins #209

Closed mvolfik closed 11 months ago

mvolfik commented 11 months ago

To reproduce:

$ apify create test-actor
? Choose the programming language of your new actor: TypeScript
? Choose a template for your new actor. Detailed information about the template will be shown in the next step. Crawlee + Cheerio
? Do you want to install the following template?
 Crawlee + Cheerio:
 A scraper example that uses Cheerio to parse HTML. It's fast, but it can't run the website's JavaScript or pass JS anti-scraping challenges. Install template
Run: npm install --omit=optional

added 537 packages, and audited 538 packages in 8s

155 packages are looking for funding
  run `npm fund` for details

found 0 vulnerabilities
Success: Actor 'test-actor' was created. To run it, run "cd test-actor" and "apify run".

$ cd test-actor/
$ npm run lint

> test-actor@0.0.1 lint
> eslint ./src --ext .ts


WARNING: You are currently running a version of TypeScript which is not officially supported by @typescript-eslint/typescript-estree.

You may find that it works just fine, or you may not.



Please only submit bug reports when using the officially supported version.


$ npm outdated
Package                           Current  Wanted  Latest  Location                                       Depended by
@apify/eslint-config-ts             0.2.3   0.2.3   0.3.0  node_modules/@apify/eslint-config-ts           test-actor
@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin   5.62.0  5.62.0   6.7.2  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/eslint-plugin  test-actor
@typescript-eslint/parser          5.62.0  5.62.0   6.7.2  node_modules/@typescript-eslint/parser         test-actor