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Allow continuous delivery of new content #954

Closed honzajavorek closed 3 weeks ago

honzajavorek commented 1 month ago

As I prepare for adding new content to the Academy, I wonder how to implement the approach of continuous delivery. It could take weeks or months to create a course, and I feel uncomfortable to work on it just locally, then create a huge PR introducing the change. I'd like to create small PRs with incremental additions. For this to properly work, I can think of two strategies:

  1. Deploy unfinished content with admonitions warning that the content is a work in progress. I did this in a guide how to start a Python meetup in your town. Some chapters are there, some are not, the reader is warned, can give feedback on existing content, or push us to fill in the gaps.
  2. Deploy unfinished content as unlisted. The pages are there, but they're not in the navigation. This prevents regular readers to stumble upon something unfinished, but allows me to invite "beta testers" to read the content online.

@TC-MO mentioned that Docusaurus supports unlisted content, but we're using an older version, which doesn't have this feature.

What approach do we prefer? Any other ideas?

honzajavorek commented 1 month ago

I'll mention @B4nan @mtrunkat by random, as I'm not really sure with who to discuss this.

mtrunkat commented 1 month ago

I'd proceed this with [1] as

mnmkng commented 1 month ago

Yup, 1️⃣

I used this approach in both Crawlee docs and Academy years ago and nobody complained. I just made it clear that the abrupt ending was not a bug, but an early access feature 😄.

But it's true that I had like 50% done when I first released something, so if we plan to release with less, maybe even 10%, we should let the users know early, so that they're not disappointed when their "Python scraping zero to hero" course ends after two pages 😅

honzajavorek commented 3 weeks ago

Makes sense, thanks. I'll do my best! I think this is settled then.