Closed laster04 closed 3 years ago
Looks like a puppeteer
or playwright
bug. Can you please post full code to reproduce? The one you posted is too short.
@laster04 never throw inside EventListeners as they are synchronous and don't await the listener callbacks. If you must, you can use a deferred to throw a promise from inside, you need a try/catch there
Looks like a
bug. Can you please post full code to reproduce? The one you posted is too short.
Here is more code:
const requestQueue = await Apify.openRequestQueue();
const proxyConfiguration = await Apify.createProxyConfiguration({
groups: ['RESIDENTIAL'],
countryCode: 'CN',
/** @type {Apify.Session} */
let stickySession;
await requestQueue.addRequest({
url: '',
// Create route
const router = createRouter({ storeId });
const crawler = new Apify.PlaywrightCrawler({
useSessionPool: true,
maxRequestRetries: 15,
sessionPoolOptions: {
maxPoolSize: 1,
createSessionFunction: async (sessionPool) => {
stickySession = stickySession || new Apify.Session({ sessionPool });
return stickySession;
launchContext: {
useChrome: true,
launchOptions: {
headless: true,
handlePageTimeoutSecs: 360,
browserPoolOptions: {
maxOpenPagesPerBrowser: 0, // required to use one IP per tab
preLaunchHooks: [async (pageId, launchContext) => {
launchContext.launchOptions = {
viewport: {
height: 480,
width: 320,
// eslint-disable-next-line max-len
userAgent: 'Mozilla/5.0 (Linux; U; Android 3.2; nl-nl; GT-P6800 Build/HTJ85B) AppleWebKit/534.13 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Safari/534.13',
bypassCSP: true,
ignoreHTTPSErrors: true,
hasTouch: true,
isMobile: true,
deviceScaleFactor: 1,
autoscaledPoolOptions: {
desiredConcurrency: 1,
maxConcurrency: 1,
preNavigationHooks: [async (context, gotoOptions) => {
gotoOptions.waitUntil = 'domcontentloaded';
persistCookiesPerSession: true,
handlePageFunction: async (context) => {
const { page, request } = context;
if (page.url().includes('account')) {
throw new Error('Redirected to login');
let responseRoomsBody = '';
await page.on('response', async (response) => {
if (response.url().includes('hoteldetail/rooms/')) {
try {
responseRoomsBody = await response.text();
} catch (e) {
// throw e;
await page.waitForFunction(() => {
return !!(window?.__HOTEL_PAGE_DATA__?.roomlistinfo);
}, {}, { polling: 'raf', timeout: 30000 }); // with Chinese residential proxy it is very slow`URL Opened: ${request.url}`);
await router(request.userData.label, context);
Does it still crash with the try/catch you have added?
Closing since this was most likely unrelated to the SDK.
Describe the bug When i want to get body of response i get this error
To Reproduce
Expected behavior Get respone body as a text.
System information: