apigee / apigee-api-catalog-drupal

Manage your API catalog within Drupal's content management approach
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Error: "Page not found" when trying to access developer portal documentation (Drupal + SmartDocs) #242

Open yuryninog opened 4 months ago

yuryninog commented 4 months ago


Using Drupal 9.5 and configuring SmartDocs as API Documentation tool, e get the message "Page not found". We have opened the "network" tab in the explorer inspector and saw that the smartdocs libraries are being referenced correctly and the OpenAPI 3.0 specification of the product is also loading correctly in the session storage

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Set up our developer portal in Drupal 9.5.8 using smardocs in order to render API products documentation.
  2. Open a specific documentation.
  3. We get the message "Page not found". We have opened the "network" tab in the explorer inspector and saw that the smartdocs libraries are being referenced correctly and the OpenAPI 3.0 specification of the product is also loading correctly in the session storage.

Actual Behavior

According to the official documentation, the use of smartDocs is allowed with Drupal, however we got the error described before.

Expected Behavior

We would like to identify the root cause of this issue and getting the documentation with SmartDocs.




Add any other context about the problem here.

Version Info

ApigeeX Drupal 9.5.8

shishir-intelli commented 4 months ago

Hi @yuryninog

Could you check if you are able to see /apis page?

shishir-intelli commented 4 months ago

Could you also please check if Smartdoc is selected on OpenAPI specification field format in settings.

Example: image

yuryninog commented 4 months ago

Hi! @shishir-intelli

Thank you so much for your follow up ... Indeed that is the configuration that we followed ... I am attaching the evidence:



shishir-intelli commented 4 months ago

Hi @yuryninog

Try this:


If still you are not able to see the page, please share the console logs to investigate more on this issue.

yuryninog commented 4 months ago

Hi! @shishir-intelli

Thank you so much! for this information. We have followed these instruction, but it still doesn't work. I really appreciate your support since this feature is critical in an implementation that we are running in the Google PSO Team.


shishir-intelli commented 4 months ago

Hi @yuryninog

Could you please share us:

Note: Drupal 9 has reached its end of life, its essential to upgrade to Drupal 10.

yuryninog commented 4 months ago

Hi! @shishir-intelli

Thank you so much! for your flawless support. I really appreciated it. According our separated conversation, I will sent you the screenshots there.

Again! thank you so much!

giteshk commented 2 months ago

Can you try updating your language selection to use Session Detection method. This will allow language to be selected from request parameter instead of the base path.

image image