apigee / apigee-api-catalog-drupal

Manage your API catalog within Drupal's content management approach
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"apidoc" entity type problem after upgrade to drupal 10.1 #246

Closed inbalj closed 2 months ago

inbalj commented 4 months ago

I have upgraded a Drupal 9.3 site (with Apigee kickstart distribution) to Drupal 10.1 and Apigee kickstart 3.0 (from 2.0) I keep getting when using drush the error - The "apidoc" entity type does not exist. Or the warning - Undefined array key "apidoc" ContentModerationRouteSubscriber.php:95

another issue that may be connected is - A custom view based on Apigee API Catalog that throws the following warning: Undefined array key "id" in Drupal\views\Plugin\views\display\DisplayPluginBase ->getHandlers() (line 875) There is no "id" as a field in the view.


WhatsApp Image 2024-02-28 at 11 46 46

Version Info

drupal: 10.1.8 php: 8.1.26 drush: 11.6 apigee api catalog: 3.0.5 apigee is running on private cloud

kedarkhaire commented 4 months ago

Hi @inbalj Thanks for sharing the issue, we will look into it, Can you please share few details to us,

It will be quite helpful to us if you share the above details. Thanks!

inbalj commented 3 months ago

Hi @kedarkhaire , Thank you for looking into this issue. Unfortunately, I can't share the logs, since my environment are in closed environment. I'm attaching below my steps to migrate from D9 to D10:

Upgrading to D10

Custom Modules

change core_version_requirement: ^8 || ^9 || ^10


install ckeditor 5 uninstall codesnippet ,ckeditor_font, panelbutton, colorbutton uninstall url_redirect

go to /admin/config/content/formats change from ckeditor to ckeditor 5 in basic and full html In full html configuraion disable style button from active toolbar


go to /admin/appearance install claro , olivero uninstall bartik , seven

drush cr drush updb /admin/config/development/configuration/full/export

copy files from vendor core, libraries, profile, copy fontawesome to libraries

go to /admin/config/development/performance disable aggregation to css and js clear cache enable aggregation to css and js

rebuild permissions


uninstall/disable CKEditor 4 install url_redirect install jQuery UI Draggable

go to /admin/structure/views/view/apigee_api_catalog/edit/block_apis

remove API Style

go to /admin/structure/views/view/apigee_api_catalog/edit/block_apis in Advanced change to Use AJAX: No

go to /var/www/xxxxx/config/system/url_redirect add Role copy file apigee_kickstart_customizer.apigee_kickstart.css to/var/www/xxxxx/web/sites/default/files

disable all the libraries (/admin/structure/webform/config/libraries)

Regarding the last point, I did read the documentation you refered to ... still got problems.... I would appreciate your help...

kedarkhaire commented 3 months ago

Hi @inbalj

Whenever we plan to migrate, we upgrade our site to it's minor's latest version i.e. instead of 9.3 it should be upgraded latest version of ^9.5 & then we try to migrate to it's major's latest version i.e. ^10.

First try to upgrade D9.3 to 9.5, run the update script and clear the cache. Check for any errors. If all is good then migrate to ^10, run update script follow the points you mentioned and clear cache and then check for any errors.

I see you may have missed this ^^ step.

I checked with migration from D9.5 to D10 I don't see errors related to the module. Can you please follow the migration again with the above point I mentioned, if after that the issue arise, we can look into it, but do provide a detailed log of it. It helps us to know the issue.


kedarkhaire commented 3 months ago

Also are your custom modules linked to the Apigee Api Catlog module ?

inbalj commented 3 months ago

I'm upgraded from 9.5 and I'm using custom modules. I changed the custom modules so they will work with D10. Some of my custom modules are either overriding the Apigee Api Catlog or extending capabilities based on it.

kedarkhaire commented 3 months ago

Hi @inbalj

Seems, your custom module is creating this issue. Can you try uninstalling those modules and check the migration process again ?


inbalj commented 3 months ago

@kedarkhaire Thank you for your reply. I'll check it out and let you know.

kedarkhaire commented 2 months ago

Hi @inbalj Its been more than a month there is no response, considering, last comment was helpful to solve the issue. Closing this ticket for now. Thanks!