apigee / apigee-api-catalog-drupal

Manage your API catalog within Drupal's content management approach
GNU General Public License v2.0
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Apigee Developer portal kickstart specs does not render on very first click on view documentation. #256

Closed ashishkumar16osttra closed 1 day ago

ashishkumar16osttra commented 3 weeks ago


Deployed Apigee Developer portal kickstart solution on GCP. Once the setup got ready. I explored few pre existing API Catalog. The api specs not getting rendered on very first click on View Documentation. but I have to reload the page to work. I suspect this is with the NGINX server as in my local machine when I use Apache server there is not such issue.

Steps to Reproduce

Steps to reproduce the behavior:

  1. Open Incognito window
  2. Launch the developer portal website.
  3. Click on View Documentation.

Actual Behavior

It shows a page with empty spec

Expected Behavior

It must list all the apis od spec




Seems the issue is reproducible with NGINX server not with Apache.

Version Info

Apigee developer portal kickstart (10.1.8) NGINX(1.22.1) Drupal(10.1.x) MySQL-Client(15.1) PHP(8.2.7) Ops Agent(2.35.0) OS: Debian (12)

kedarkhaire commented 3 weeks ago

Hi @ashishkumar16osttra Thanks for mentioning, we will look into this issue.

kedarkhaire commented 1 week ago

Hi @ashishkumar16osttra As per your other post on community, you were facing issue on input field not visible, and this one. This can be a issue with current formatter. Try using other field formatters, here are the examples - https://github.com/apigee/apigee-api-catalog-drupal/blob/3.x/README.md#overview Do let us know, if this change of formatter works for both of the issue. Thanks!

kedarkhaire commented 1 day ago

Considering the above solution worked for you, as there is not reply from past 2 weeks, anyways, if any issue faced related to it, feel free to reopen the issue. Thanks!