Closed Jimbo51000 closed 1 month ago
@Jimbo51000 - can you please share the version you are using and the command you are running?
i am using 2.8.1 and command is : mvn -X apigee-config:keyvaluemaps -Pcicd -Dfile=$APIGEE_TARGET_TOKEN -Dorg=$APIGEE_ORG -Dapigee.config.options=update -Dapigee.config.dir=$kvm_path -Dapigee.kvm.override=false
-Dapigee.kvm.override=false --> why are you passing that. Thats why its skipping
Check the plugin README
is used only when -Dapigee.config.options=update.
It overrides the KVM entries even if there are no changes.
Default is true. If set to false, it skips the entry update.
This config works for kvm entry updates where key names do not have space in them. And I believe we had an earlier thread : for why we needed the override,
so TestMap__Test PPP
is a key and not the map name right?
"name": "TestMap__Test PPP",
"value": "test3"
This is the entry for the KVM map. And yes, it is a key name not a kvm map name.
so just to be clear, this entry is not present in the map currently... and you are trying to push this using the "update" option, correct?
The entry is currently present in the runtime and went through in the first run of the plugin call. This was because the entry was absent in the runtime and the POST call from mvn created a new entry. The problem here is the mvn plugin is still making that POST call eventhough the entry exists. This should just be an regular update as any and have tried different kvm name characters. Space seems to throw the error.
Ok - must be a bug in the way how I check the entry:value will fix and provide an update
Thanks. Please keep us posted.
Just released v2.9.1 Can you test your cases with that and let me know if its working as expected.
thanks. works.
I am getting a http ERROR
"code": 409, "message": "KeyValueMapEntry TestMap__Test PPP already exists in map testsite_kvmap", { "@type": "", "violations": [ { "type": "keyvaluemap.service.KeyValueMapEntryAlreadyExists", } ] },
when trying to update the value of this entry in my resources kvm org config folder in kvms.json file. A kvm entry with name "TestMap__Test PPP" already exists in the runtime kvm map. I believe this issue happens because the mvn plugin is making a POST request to create an entry without deleting it first. This would not have happened if the kvm name was in the list of existingKVM entries fetched with RestUtils. Is there an issue in fetching the current runtime KVM entries with your RestUtils that doesn't consider spaces in kvm entry name?