apigee / apigeecli

This is a tool to interact with Apigee APIs. The tool lets you manage (create, del, get, list) environments, proxies, etc.
Apache License 2.0
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Odd behavior querying app that does not exist #508

Closed DinoChiesa closed 1 month ago

DinoChiesa commented 1 month ago

It simply prints null :

$ apigeecli apps get --name "app-id-does-not-exist" --org "$PROJECT" 
srinandan commented 1 month ago

The API implements get by ID. I implemented a search by name. In the case where the name is not found, instead of returning an error, a null value was returned..

I have used the API's filter query param to perform a server side search by name. On the result, I combined it with a client side filter (gojsonq) to search for the app name. The client side library returned null.

I have fixed the bug in the PR below.

DinoChiesa commented 1 month ago

I think either


or an Error, might be appropriate.

If I am correct, I think searching with other filters, might return an empty list, rather than an error.

Or rather, not an empty list, but a JSON object with a non-existent list. Eg normal is

{ "app" : [...] } 

But "not found" can be

{ }


kurtkanaskie commented 1 month ago

apps get --name=pingstatus-v1-app1 returns an array of same named apps [ {}, {} ]

with the fix it returns Error: unable to find developer app with name foo exit status 1

Is that what we want? @DinoChiesa

srinandan commented 1 month ago

The API response when a filter doesn't match anything (in this case, application name is not found) is:

HTTP 200 OK, followed by

  "totalSize": <number of apps>

I'm not in favor of constructing a JSON which is not returned by the API. I also don't see a point in showing the JSON returned by the API (because it is confusing).

As mentioned by @kurtkanaskie , the fix now returns:

Error: unable to find developer app with name foo
exit status 1

FWIW, other products appear to return an empty JSON {}

srinandan commented 1 month ago

On second thoughts, I propose this:

  1. Return the API response as-is. If Apigee changes the response, it is transparent to apigeecli.
  2. A filter not matching anything is not at error. So the current fix is incorrect. I have reverted it.
  3. I do print a warning statement in the case where the filter doesn't match anything. This warning can be suppressed.
kurtkanaskie commented 1 month ago

API returns not found

curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/developers/kurtkanaskie@google.com/apps/notfound
  "error": {
    "code": 404,
    "message": "App named notfound does not exist under kurtkanaskie@google.com",
    "status": "NOT_FOUND",
    "details": [
        "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.PreconditionFailure",
        "violations": [
            "type": "developer.service.AppDoesNotExist",
            "subject": "[2002:ab0:f5d7:0:b0:3e1:dfb1:f5b2]:4004:bccdi20-20020a056f0941d400b002c350fff3fd:9809:182966:194432970",
            "description": "App named notfound does not exist under kurtkanaskie@google.com"
        "@type": "type.googleapis.com/google.rpc.RequestInfo",
        "requestId": "3189453791813552833"

This is an odd command in that it does not mimic an API call like these that return 404s curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/apps/792f8686-128f-47f8-b3f4-d1df174011f8 curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/developers/kurtkanaskie@google.com/apps/notfound

Rather it is more akin to a search request (list with a filter param), I think it should return an "empty" 200 representation of the resource [] like this API does. curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/$ORG/environments/local/targetservers []

Ah, looking at the API, I see what you are using now.

curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/apigeex-mint-kurt/apps?filter=appName=mint-v1-appdev-exco-int
  "app": [
      "appId": "19665765-bf97-4d76-ac6a-8ce4eed5f646",
      "attributes": [
          "name": "Description",
          "value": "pingstatus-v1 by +appdev on apigeex-mint-kurt-exco"
          "name": "DisplayName",
          "value": "mint-v1-appdev-exco-int"
          "name": "displayName",
          "value": "mint-v1-appdev-exco-int"
      "createdAt": "1627309138550",
      "credentials": [
          "apiProducts": [
              "apiproduct": "pingstatus-mint-v1-product-1-test",
              "status": "approved"
          "consumerKey": "eGZD0VeTn93AglAl6s9JTpalF5lypcLWNoQaKnw3Rube8nlf",
          "consumerSecret": "oEE7AZPvhinEUqm0sAHi8SIsRvRWSAybtB3VvjuYdvx0jOuAcfuj2ZmI8BpnPQkI",
          "expiresAt": "-1",
          "issuedAt": "1627391835253",
          "status": "approved"
      "developerId": "8688af81-b11f-4ef0-810f-556098db1464",
      "lastModifiedAt": "1627508587837",
      "name": "mint-v1-appdev-exco-int",
      "status": "approved",
      "developerEmail": "kurtkanaskie+appdev@google.com"
  "totalSize": 201

And for a not found app

curlx https://apigee.googleapis.com/v1/organizations/apigeex-mint-kurt/apps?filter=appName=notfound
  "totalSize": 201

I'm good with that.