This adds some helper code that calls wsdl2apigee to generate a proxy bundle, extracts the converted OpenApi spec artifact, and compares it in a json-friendly way against a given "golden" (expected) OpenApi spec. Included in this change is a simple "sanity" wsdl that exercises the most basic parts of the conversion logic (however, even this simple case has some issues, which will be fixed after this code is in).
This adds some helper code that calls wsdl2apigee to generate a proxy bundle, extracts the converted OpenApi spec artifact, and compares it in a json-friendly way against a given "golden" (expected) OpenApi spec. Included in this change is a simple "sanity" wsdl that exercises the most basic parts of the conversion logic (however, even this simple case has some issues, which will be fixed after this code is in).
Related bug: b/111745504