The first two points of the second paragraph should read (less than rather than greater than symbols) ...
serve requests in a timely manner (e.g. < 2s)
ensure the amount of data returned remains within a manageable payload (e.g. < 500kb)
The paginiation response does not make sense to me. It lists a total records count of 38, a current page of 3, a count of 8, and a page limit of 10. This implies that the page count is zero based (since only the last page should return less than the limit records), when most "page" systems are 1 based). Additionally, if it is zero based, and this response is the last page, then there probably shouldn't be a "next" link as there is no page 4.
The first two points of the second paragraph should read (less than rather than greater than symbols) ...
The paginiation response does not make sense to me. It lists a total records count of 38, a current page of 3, a count of 8, and a page limit of 10. This implies that the page count is zero based (since only the last page should return less than the limit records), when most "page" systems are 1 based). Additionally, if it is zero based, and this response is the last page, then there probably shouldn't be a "next" link as there is no page 4.