apilayer / weatherstack

Real-Time, Historical World Weather Data & Forecast API
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Historical Time Series data randomly drops days in series #9

Closed Brando753 closed 3 years ago

Brando753 commented 3 years ago

I purchased the standard api membership to try and do some model analysis on historical humidity in a region and I noticed that I was missing days from the time series requested. I also noticed that if I re-ran the api call with the same inputs different days would be dropped. I was trying to get information from the 'Scottsdale, United States of America' region with time series requested for the following start/stop periods

  ["2020-01-01", "2020-02-29"], 
  ["2020-03-01", "2020-04-29"], 
  ["2020-04-30", "2020-06-28"], 
  ["2020-06-29", "2020-08-27"], 
  ["2020-08-28", "2020-10-17"]

Attached is the data received for those time series requests (extension of .txt so github would accept it) Notice how in example one the historical dates go 2020-01-01 through 2020-01-13 then skip 14 and resume. Example two starts with 2020-01-01 through 2020-01-03 skips 4 has 5 skips 6...etc.

github_example1.txt github_example2.txt


johncourtlob commented 3 years ago

We are also seeing this issue

orinoco commented 3 years ago

I'm seeing this too. If I ask for 2 days, eg. 2018-06-14 -> 2018-06-15, at any location, but let's use for example query: 'Lat 51.00 and Lon -114.00', sometimes it gives me:

   { '2018-06-14':
      { date: '2018-06-14',
        date_epoch: 1528934400,
        astro: [Object],
        mintemp: 9,
        maxtemp: 13,
        avgtemp: 11,
        totalsnow: 0,
        sunhour: 14.8,
        uv_index: 4,
        hourly: [Array] } } }

and sometimes it gives me the correct answer:

   { '2018-06-14':
      { date: '2018-06-14',
        date_epoch: 1528934400,
        astro: [Object],
        mintemp: 9,
        maxtemp: 13,
        avgtemp: 11,
        totalsnow: 0,
        sunhour: 14.8,
        uv_index: 4,
        hourly: [Array] },
      { date: '2018-06-15',
        date_epoch: 1529020800,
        astro: [Object],
        mintemp: 8,
        maxtemp: 19,
        avgtemp: 12,
        totalsnow: 0,
        sunhour: 14.8,
        uv_index: 4,
        hourly: [Array] } } }

I can repeat this just by issuing the request a few times over a few minutes. It happens for all our locations, and for bigger date periods too, randomly dropping dates.

Brando753 commented 3 years ago

I contacted Weatherstack customer service in reference to the bug I reported here, they sent the following reply:


We've deployed another fix for the problem.

Please let us know if you are experiencing any further issues!

Best regards

Aleksa Customer Service

On my testing, it appears to have solved the issue, if one other person can confirm that they are no longer seeing the issue as reported I will close this bug report.

orinoco commented 3 years ago

It's been good for me too since the fix.

Brando753 commented 3 years ago

Alright, good to hear! Closing the bug report then.