apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
European Union Public License 1.1
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Notify owner on Apinf UI if API backend is down #1184

Open bajiat opened 8 years ago

bajiat commented 8 years ago

User story

As an API owner I want to get an UI notification if my API is down so that I know I need to take corrective action

Definition of done

  • [ ] There is a notification area in top bar, which user can open.
  • [ ] The notification area has some method that alerts of unread notifications
  • [ ] Owner gets an UI alert each time the API monitoring status changes.
  • [ ] Optionally, this alert could contain a count of failed monitoring calls since the status changed to failed
  • [ ] Owner can acknowledge the alert so that it goes away.
Nazarah commented 8 years ago

Enhancement Suggestion: a notification in the topbar to alert API owner. This is needed if the email server is down so mail sending is not possible. Also user should be able to know this once s/he logins


philippeluickx commented 8 years ago

Notifications would be interesting to have, but then we would have to implement this decently (so we can use it for other messages later). I assume that if the mail server is down, the emails are queued and sent when the server is up again?

Nazarah commented 7 years ago

@marla-singer we would be using HTTP request and response header to determine if the API backend is down, right?

marla-singer commented 7 years ago

@Nazarah I suppose yes

Nazarah commented 7 years ago

@bajiat Should we consider the following notifications?

  1. Notification icon on navbar with dropdown providing information about the down API
  2. Email sent to the registered account of the user: Email contains description, error log and link to API Dashboard/Analytics/Profile.

Also need clarification for the following:

  1. When User clicks on a notification from the dropdown, does s/he gets redirected to API Dashboard / API Analytics / API Profile
  2. If an Organization API is down, should the organization manager receive the similar email as that the API owner receives?
  3. Should we consider an option to dismiss the notification in the notification dropdown?
ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago

after next