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Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
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Add open data APIs to Apinf catalog (for hackathon and MindTrek) #268

Closed bajiat closed 8 years ago

bajiat commented 9 years ago

Once Apinf has been deployed on Apinf.io, configure several example open data APIs to catalog.

Definition of done

The following sources may prove beneficial when selecting Open Data APIs for this tack.

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt Can you consider taking this task? You could additionally add some Codemenders APIs, if you want.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@bajiat I can take a look at this. I cannot estimate the hours right now since I would first need to pick the apis I would like to have here.

PS: We can add Codemenders APIs too. I will keep this bug posted.

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt Thanks for taking this. I think the rest of the team could also provide some suggestions on interesting APIs to add.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

I was looking at the Helsinki city transport APIs briefly today. It was not very clear as to where and how should be use it (esp. documenting all its methods).

One quick example that comes to my mind is: Pet Store; the one on which all the swagger examples are based. I will still spend time on this tomorrow to find more apis which can be used. One interesting thing during the hackathon could also be the role of an apitalist. He creates an API, relevant documentation and then, uploads its methods to API umbrella. We can showcase how easy it is to be an apitalist. If no body signs up for this purpose, I will be happy doing it.

@ccsr what do you think?

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Setting time limit as 20 since we need to look into existing APIs (and find their documentation). Its possible that the work might be quite smaller.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@bajiat what do you think about:

----8<---- One interesting thing during the hackathon could also be the role of an apitalist. He creates an API, relevant documentation and then, uploads its methods to API umbrella. We can showcase how easy it is to be an apitalist. If no body signs up for this purpose, I will be happy doing it. ----->8-----

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt I think it would be a good idea for the kick off. We probably need to showcase adding APIs to Apinf anyway, since we won't be able to add all APIs the participants might need in the hackathon.

Could we at least have the most typical ones like Google maps? Juuso was earlier commenting that some students have created apps based on Finnkino movie schedules, so I quess Finnkino has APIs too.

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt Are there any useful open APIs that could be added on the API Suomi page?

brylie commented 9 years ago

@bajiat and @ashakunt I have updated the task description and added a resources section.

as33ms commented 9 years ago


Finnkino is a good example. It has an XML based service. See this: http://www.finnkino.fi/XML; so this is a good match.

Another one is tkl, see examples here: http://developer.publictransport.tampere.fi/pages/en/siri.php

as33ms commented 9 years ago

IMHO, we should also add the following:


brylie commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt, I have updated the Definition of Done to include the three APIs specified in recent comments. Please proceed with configuring Google Maps Geocoding, Finnkino, and TKL on the nightly.apinf.io platform.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@brylie, @bajiat:

I have added Google Geocoding APis but the access seems to be down.




(both added by me) return a connection refused.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Is this known?

as33ms commented 9 years ago

(precisely: Google Chrome's connection attempt to nightly.apinf.com was rejected. The website may be down, or your network may not be properly configured.)

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt @brylie will take a look at this

bajiat commented 9 years ago

First guess was SSL certificate not being in place on Apinf,io yet.

brylie commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt our API Umbrella instance is currently running on its own sub-domain. Try the requests using https://umbrella.apinf.io.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@brylie with umbrella.apinf.io: I get a 404 error when I try to use the APIs.

Further, it turns out that not all the backends that I added from nightly.apinf.io landed up to umbrella.apinf.io. I could find only one API available at umbrella.apinf.io. I think that the nightly is handling the URL in a wrong way. See below (backend host -> frontend host):


While, originally, in the umbrella, its like (frontend host -> backend host): selection_011

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Some other comments:

@brylie @bajiat Your comments?

brylie commented 9 years ago

The inconsistency may arise from how we are deploying API Umbrella. Our Apinf deployment may have pointed to a different API Umbrella deployment at some point (e.g. apinf.com), and is only configured to pull API Backends from API Umbrella.

brylie commented 9 years ago

I have opened issue #446 to describe the API Backend data inconsistency.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

and what about the 404 problem?

brylie commented 9 years ago

Checking now. Are you using an API key? Have you logged into https://umbrella.apinf.io to make sure the backend is configured there?

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Yes sir.. :)

as33ms commented 9 years ago

e.g. https://umbrella.apinf.io/google/maps/api/geocode/json?latlng=63.1,23.4&api_key={my_api_key}

as33ms commented 9 years ago

The above API is added in accordance with: http://apiumbrella.io/docs/getting-started/

brylie commented 9 years ago

I see the following entry for Google:

Name Host prefix
Google Geocoding APIs localhost /google/
as33ms commented 9 years ago

Yes. That's correct.

brylie commented 9 years ago

OK, so it seems like the API Backend exists. How can we troubleshoot the 404?

brylie commented 9 years ago

Perhaps the 'localhost' needs to change to umbrella.apinf.io

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Tried with that already. Does not work. (see the testing entry for google geocoding apis)

brylie commented 9 years ago

Alright, please open a support request on API Umbrella issue tracker. We may need help in troubleshooting this issue.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

can you or anyone in team who has access to umbrella.apinf.io provide the versoin of the umbrella?

as33ms commented 9 years ago

I opened: https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella/issues/168

brylie commented 9 years ago

You can also log in to the admin interface with "aseem at samposoftware ... "

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@brylie I am already using that.

brylie commented 9 years ago

Alright, cool. Well the UI doesn't display the version of API Umbrella, so we need to check on the server-side.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

I actually meant the same, so can you ask @elnzv or someone else who has access?

brylie commented 9 years ago

@elnzv will you please check the version number of API Umbrella that is running on umbrella.apinf.io?

55 commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt it is 0.8.0

as33ms commented 9 years ago

Thanks, @elnzv

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@elnzv / @ccsr can you please provide the following information from umbrella.apinf.io

  1. contents of /opt/api-umbrella/etc/nginx/backends.conf
  2. restart api-umbrella sudo /etc/init.d/api-umbrella restart

OR provide me a sudo access to the machine so that I can check them myself?

(refer: https://github.com/NREL/api-umbrella/issues/168#issuecomment-138809483)

bajiat commented 9 years ago

@elnzv Will you take a look at Aseem's request above?

55 commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt I think the best way is to have a sudo access. I can provide you my credentials via email or you can ask Chandra for your's.

ccsr commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt You have sudo access to umbrella.apinf.io Let me know if you are not able log in

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@ccsr able to login with sudo access now. Providing the relevant information to @GUI now. :)

ccsr commented 9 years ago

@ashakunt @elnzv Illya is changing the certificate and lets check that option also

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@ccsr, I fixed the original issue. So, now every thing is OK.

as33ms commented 9 years ago

@bajiat @brylie @elnzv @ccsr @apinf/developers @apinf/owners Please do not do any changes to umbrella.apinf.io since it might break the installation again. This is for your info.