apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
European Union Public License 1.1
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apiUmbrella accepts several proxy backends with same prefix #3645

Open matleppa opened 5 years ago

matleppa commented 5 years ago

Background (of API background)

When a new proxy backend is created (an API is connected to a Proxy), locally (i.e. in same instance of platform) it is checked, if there already exists same proxy base path.


However, in apiUmbrella it is not checked, if same prefix (their name for proxy base path) already exist. As a result it is possible, that there are several API backends with same prefix. Each of them has different 'Matching order'. When there is traffic to a API backend, in case there are same prefixes, all traffic is directed by matching order to only a certain one of those backends.


When a new API to Proxy connection is made, apiUmbrella should check, whether there already exists same prefix and reject the insert.