apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
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API console: changing API documentation type doesn't immediately take affect in UI #3680

Open Nazarah opened 5 years ago

Nazarah commented 5 years ago

Steps to Reproduce:

  1. Open service in localhost
  2. Select an API that doesn't have documentation uploaded.
  3. Go to Console tab
  4. Click Manage (The UI appears with "provide API Documentation via" with URL type in dropmenu)
  5. Click the dropmenu and select file

Outcome: The UI doesn't change to show the file upload button immediately on changing API documentation medium type (from URL to File) To make the upload button appear, user needs to click the URL field and then change the documentation via type into File. This happens when console tab is accessed by navigating to it or back to it from another tab in API profile. http://recordit.co/UOVOXfpaKu

Expected Behavior: On changing the medium from URL to File, the UI changes should take effect immediately.

Environment: localhost (Develop branch) MacBook Air Chrome