apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
European Union Public License 1.1
74 stars 35 forks source link

Meteor 1.8 #3705

Closed brylie closed 5 years ago

brylie commented 5 years ago

Work in progress.

brylie commented 5 years ago

Currently getting error:

packages/kurounin:pagination-blaze/client/template.html:7: Unexpected closing template tag


I have tried to force upgrade the package, with no success.

brylie commented 5 years ago

OK, I worked through the errors that prevented Apinf from starting.

Now, there are browser error(s) to troubleshoot.

cc: @matleppa @ilarimikkonen

brylie commented 5 years ago

OK, we need to remove this package:


brylie commented 5 years ago

This deprecation notice also appears in server console:

Deprecated use of Meteor.Pagination. On server-side use publishPagination() function.

brylie commented 5 years ago

OK, I removed the deprecated package and a line of code, and now Apinf is running without any errors:

screenshot from 2019-01-29 20-31-55

brylie commented 5 years ago

@matleppa and @ilarimikkonen please test this branch.

matleppa commented 5 years ago

Check 1

  1. Cloned a new repository for platform.
  2. fetched Meteor update branch.

Got warnings of some missing packages, same thing which usually happens when cloning a new repository for develop. After installation the upgraded version seemed to be working; data could be created successfully.

matleppa commented 5 years ago

Check 2

  1. Cloned a new repository for platform
  2. Created data
  3. Fetched Meteor update branch

Dsplays following error

Your development database is using mmapv1, the old, pre-MongoDB 3.0 database engine. You should consider upgrading to Wired Tiger, the new engine. The easiest way to do so in development is to run meteor reset. If you'd like to migrate your database, please consult https://docs.mongodb.org/v3.0/release-notes/3.0-upgrade/ Unexpected mongo exit code 62. Restarting.

Similar error: https://forums.meteor.com/t/updating-to-1-7-1-unexpected-mongo-exit-code-62-restarting/43958

Proposition for solution orloff Jun '18 I’m solved this with next steps: 1.Mongodump

  1. Meteor reset
  2. Mongorestore

Information: https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongodump/ https://docs.mongodb.com/manual/reference/program/mongorestore/

Most probably mongodump is not installed in platform https://stackoverflow.com/questions/22178244/back-up-meteor-database-with-mongodump

brylie commented 5 years ago

@matleppa try cloning the repo into a fresh directory, running meteor npm install, and then running meteor on the fresh project.

matleppa commented 5 years ago

@brylie Yes, in a fresh directory the upgrade branch was working (check 1, although not used the meteor npm install).

Problem occurs when there already exists data. (check 2). I guess the mongodump and mongorestore are not included in MongoDB package installed in platform?

brylie commented 5 years ago

Jep, you will probably need to install MongoDB system-wide for that to work


brylie commented 5 years ago


ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago

Thanks Brylie!