apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
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bug/feature - fetch correct =auth token for context broker #3751

Closed ilarimikkonen closed 4 years ago

ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago

what's up: We are currently fetching incorrect token for tenant / CB requests. Correct one needs to be fetched from https://accounts.tampere.apinf.cloud/oauth2/password (in tampere env). User needs to supply username (email) and password that are the same as account created to the keyrock that is used in this deployment / stack.

4 things are needed in the request: basic auth with "username" and password, which are actually client id and client secret given by the keyrock (ask these detals from ilarimikkonen)


grant_type, username and password in body:


ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago

client id and secret are fetched from settings that are only visible for admin. This can go together with Tenant Manager url setting

ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago

illustration of ui 1: image

ilarimikkonen commented 5 years ago


55 commented 5 years ago

draft flow:

  1. client id and client secret to settings
  2. username and password to get new token
  3. when making request for a new token these four need to be in request
  4. response has values needed for user (most important ones are: access_token, refresh_token, expires_in)
  5. make it clear that user needs to copy values in response from request
  6. provide link to documentation with instructions on how to use it programatically.
  7. hide this whole thing if client id and client secret are not presented