apinf / platform

Apinf - Open source API management platform with multi proxy and protocol support
European Union Public License 1.1
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Consider BDD testing framework(s) to ensure Apinf works as expected #666

Open brylie opened 8 years ago

brylie commented 8 years ago

It was suggested by @jykae and @kyyberi (#631) that we consider writing tests using a Behavior-Driven Development approach, specifically with Cucumber syntax. These tests would match up with our existing user stories, and could easily be understood by non-technical stakeholders. Research BDD options for JavaScript, including the Cucumber JS library, and determine whether to use this testing approach in our software development process.

User story

As a project stakeholder
I want to see software tests that validate high-level requirements
so that I know the software works as described
As a software developer
I want to define tests in Behavior Driven style
so that I can confirm design decisions with many stakeholders
kyyberi commented 7 years ago

I'm returning to this now. How do we verify that all works in release? Without automated tests we have no glue about what works and we make users our beta testers. This is not a good practice when we go SaaS

Nazarah commented 5 years ago

Automated tests are now a must. We need to consider this in depth when Next is merged with develop