apjanke / ronn-ng

Ronn-NG: An updated fork of ronn. Build man pages from Markdown.
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ronn vs ronn-ng: bare pipes and option descriptions missing #104

Open noraj opened 11 months ago

noraj commented 11 months ago

Input file


```md HAITI(1) -- HAsh IdenTifIer ============================================= ## SYNOPSIS `haiti` [options] `haiti` samples ( | ) `haiti` [options] list `haiti` --ascii-art `haiti` -h | --help `haiti` --version ## DESCRIPTION **HAITI** is a CLI tool and library for identifying hash types (hash type identifier). ## OPTIONS * `--no-color`: Disable colorized output (NO_COLOR environment variable is respected too). * `-e, --extended`: List all possible hash algorithms, including ones using salt. * `--short`: Display in a short format: do not display hashcat and john the ripper references. * `--hashcat-only`: Show only hashcat references. * `--john-only`: Show only john the ripper references. * `--ascii-art`: Display the logo in colored ascii-art. * `--debug`: Display arguments. * `-h, --help`: Show this screen. * `--version`: Show version. ## COMMANDS * **samples**: Display hash samples for the given type. * **list**: Display a list of all the available hash types. ## PARAMETERS * ``: Hash string to identify, read from STDIN if equal to "-". * ``: Hashcat or John the Ripper reference. * ``: Hash type name. ## EXAMPLES `haiti` -e d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e `haiti` --no-color --short d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e b2sum /etc/os-release | awk '{print $1}' | `haiti` - `haiti` samples crc32 ## AUTHOR Made by Alexandre ZANNI (@noraj). Forked from Orange-Cyberdefense/haiti (https://github.com/Orange-Cyberdefense/haiti). ## COPYRIGHT Copyright © 2019-2022 Alexandre ZANNI (independent) Copyright © 2019-2020 Alexandre ZANNI at Orange Cyberdefense This software is distributed under the terms of the MIT License. You may freely redistribute copies of it, subject to the conditions of the license. ## VERSION 2.0.0 ## REPORTING BUGS Report bugs to https://github.com/noraj/haiti/issues. ## SEE ALSO Project homepage and documentation: https://noraj.github.io/haiti Source code: https://github.com/noraj/haiti ```


ronn-ng display is worse than old ronn, commands with with a pipe (or) are hidden and not options description is displayed


the pipe seems to be removed and is surrounded by .TS allbox; + .TE instead of .P


However, options description are just removed



Definition list in ronn are taken into consideration either there is a blank line between the : and the content or not, while in ronn-ng it only works if there is an empty line between.

For the pipes, in ronn it works either there are escaped or not, in ronn-ng it works only if the pipes are escaped \|.

noraj commented 11 months ago

It may be due to the change from hpricot to nokogiri