apla / atom-jscad

Previewing (J)SCAD 3D models inside Atom.
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Atom refuses to create a worker #12

Open Holger-Will opened 5 years ago

Holger-Will commented 5 years ago

I get the following error when trying to render a preview:

Uncaught DOMException: Failed to construct 'Worker': Access to the script at 'blob:file:///4d8122a1-4c76-4188-8671-774ba8975a55' is denied by the document's Content Security Policy. at Function.OpenJsCad.parseJsCadScriptASync [as __old] (file:///home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/standalone/openjscad.js:259:16) at Function.parseJsCadScriptASync (/home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/standalone/overrides.js:86:34) at OpenJsCad.Processor.rebuildSolid (file:///home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/standalone/openjscad.js:857:33) at OpenJsCad.Processor.setJsCad (file:///home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/standalone/openjscad.js:777:12) at AtomScadPreviewView.module.exports.AtomScadPreviewView.render (/home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/lib/atom-scad-preview-view.js:147:20) at AtomScadPreviewView.dependencyLoaded (/home/holger/.atom/packages/atom-jscad/lib/atom-scad-preview-view.js:216:14)

ChrisGithubPrio commented 5 years ago

Same. Any suggestions or is this already closed?

cerdoc commented 5 years ago

Hello. Same problem.

WolfgangFahl commented 5 years ago

same issue

cb1986ster commented 5 years ago


apla commented 5 years ago

Unfortunately, new Atom break some APIs to allow Blob CSP. At first, schema changed from blob: to blob:file://, then they deprecated methods, which allows me to bypass security restrictions.

So, now it should be implemented as protocol

I don't have time for those games.