apla / me.apla.cordova.app-preferences

App preferences plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
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Suite IOS not being shared within the other group apps. #132

Open JuanNorsync opened 6 years ago

JuanNorsync commented 6 years ago

Issue: I'm testing suites on IOS, with two apps that have the same related AppGroup. Everything works pretty well, except that I can't share a key/value between these apps.

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naveenachandras commented 5 years ago

The method "- (id)getStoreForOptions:(NSDictionary*)options" code looks broken. It is not able to "initWithSuiteName". Could you please fix it? Thanks!

kheinrich188 commented 5 years ago

Any update here? App Group ist set and on ionic side everything works great but when I want to use the settings in WatchKitApp it will not load these settings :-(