apla / me.apla.cordova.app-preferences

App preferences plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
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Using this plugin with phonegapbuild - where is the Settings.bundle? #133

Open barneydunning opened 6 years ago

barneydunning commented 6 years ago


How do you get PhoneGapBuild to generate the Settings.bundle folder and files?

I have added the plugin to the config.xml. I can use the plugin's store and fetch methods form within Javascript to manipulate some preference values - good so far!

Next up is the Settings App on the iPad... there are no settings for my app (other than the Siri and Camera settings)... reading a lot about XCode, looks like I need a "Settings.bundle"...

My assumption here was that when PhoneGapBuild installs the plugin, it detects the "app-settings.json" file in the root of my project and converts this to the respective "Settings.bundle" files... the Root.plist etc. and includes them in the resultant .ipa file. I can see no evidence of this after the build.

I have even tried creating these "resource" files on a Mac... copying them to my PC and adding them to the project root folder... after a PhoneGapBuild, the files appear in the www folder, not in the root folder (which is where I think they need to be).

So my question is... how can I get the Settings.bundle files into the right place in my PhoneGapProject... better still, generated from the json file when PhoneGapBuild builds my application.

Many thanks,

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brodybits commented 5 years ago

I would not expect this plugin to work on PhoneGap Build since it uses hook scripts, which are not supported by PhoneGap Build.