apla / me.apla.cordova.app-preferences

App preferences plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
201 stars 210 forks source link

Error: Plugin not enabled #70

Open royipr opened 8 years ago

royipr commented 8 years ago

Hi all :)

I installed the plugin using: cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-preferences

Now when I try to set some key im getting an error in the browser Error: Plugin not enabled

What am i missing?

P.S Is there a place where i can read about the app-settings file? im using the default and i have no idea what the fields there are saying

neuberoliveira commented 8 years ago

same here +1

apla commented 8 years ago

I cannot reproduce, but there is few possibilities, according to the SO:

  1. Unsupported platform
  2. Calling plugin before deviceready
  3. Crappy code in ionic/ng-cordova/phonegap wrapper (especially ng-cordova - take a look this.pluginNotEnabledMessage)
  4. Plugin is not installed before use

Try to add at least one supported platform, install plugin and call plugin after deviceready event. Everything should be fine then

pougin commented 8 years ago

On iOS the plugin works. I will try later and feed back if it works in Chrome with ionic serve. This is important for auto reloading :)