apla / me.apla.cordova.app-preferences

App preferences plugin for cordova
Apache License 2.0
201 stars 210 forks source link

Error: Class me.apla.cordova.AppPreferencesActivity not found. Please run preference generator. #79

Open joemalski opened 8 years ago

joemalski commented 8 years ago

I have this error Error: Class me.apla.cordova.AppPreferencesActivity not found. Please run preference generator. when i use $cordovaPreferences.show(). There is no real documentation on how to set it up.

Can anybody help me on this? Thank you. I've been battling this issue for sometime now.

aradjdi commented 8 years ago


apla commented 8 years ago

There is a rudimentary docs about this: https://github.com/apla/me.apla.cordova.app-preferences#preferences-interface-generator

When you installed plugin there is a file app-preferences.json in your app root. With this file me.apla.cordova.AppPreferencesActivity is generated automatically. Do you have this file in project root?

joemalski commented 8 years ago

I am build apps with the Ionic Framework version 1 using Windows 8.1. I don't have it in the root of my directory it is generate on this folder thou: \plugins\cordova-plugin-app-preferences\app-settings.json

I also tried copying it in the root of my Ionic App.

When I build my app in android then run $cordovaPreferences.show() it gives me this error: Error: Class me.apla.cordova.AppPreferencesActivity not found. Please run preference generator.

clodo commented 7 years ago

Hi @joemalski,

I had the same problem and solved it as follows: 1) Uninstall the plugin 2) Create app-settings.json file in the project root folder 3) Install plugin using cordova command: $ cordova plugin add cordova-plugin-app-preferences 4) Verify that you have this file /platforms/android/src/me/apla/cordova/AppPreferencesActivity.java

Hope this can help you


lentschi commented 7 years ago

@clodo Thank you, that worked for me! (app-settings.json was present after the first installation, but /platforms/android/src/me/apla/cordova/AppPreferencesActivity.java was missing until I reinstalled the plugin as you suggested.)