aplsimple / alited

a lite editor / IDE for Tcl/Tk projects
MIT License
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linux: custom terminal does not launch, no error messages #20

Open johannish opened 6 days ago

johannish commented 6 days ago

When I choose "konsole" or one of the other available terminals, the F5 or "Run" button does nothing, and no error is output to the terminal where I started alited (whether running ./alited.sh or wish src/src/alited.tcl). Only by clicking "Run e_menu" > "Run Tcl {all selection}" do I see the error message in a wish window:

couldn't execute "konsole": no such file or directory

I found Setup > Preferences > Tools and typed in the terminal of my choice: xfce4-terminal or /usr/bin/xfce4-terminal. No matter how I choose to run, the terminal is not launched and there is no output to the terminal where alite was started. With this configuration, there is also no error "no such file or directory" shown--all Run options are simply silent/broken.

(I did discover the way to run in tkcon by default, which is a workaround for now.)

What am I missing? (And thanks for this neat little editor!)

aplsimple commented 4 days ago


Thanks for the feedback.

The problem is with xfce4-terminal, obviously your default one. It treats -x option in the same way as others do -e.

I'll try to correct this on Wednesday. Also, maybe I'll place "Test" button at right side of terminal setting of Preferences/Tools.

Side note. My personal working variant is lxterminal, it's present in the preferences list. I like it mostly for its --geometry option and menu bar. If it doesn't lead to a lot of downloaded dependencies, you might try to install and use the lxterminal instead of xfce4-terminal.

aplsimple commented 2 days ago

Fixed in version 1.8.5b1.