This resolves the existing issues (path locations, startup of cowrie, etc) with the installation script failing with errors on Ubuntu 18.04.
#Tango Sensor Install
#Should be compatible with Ubuntu and Debian
#Disclaimer. Continues for yes, quits for no.
while true; do
read -p "[!] You are about to install Cowrie and the Splunk Universal Forwarder. By running this installer, you accept Splunk's EULA. Do you wish to proceed? (Yes/No)" yn
case $yn in
[Yy]* ) break;;
[Nn]* ) exit;;
* ) echo "Please answer Yes or No.";;
#User input variables
#Splunk Indexer hostname/IP address from user
read -e -p "[?] Enter the Splunk Indexer to forward logs to: (example: " SPLUNK_INDEXER
#Sensor hostname from user
read -e -p "[?] Enter Sensor name. (example: hp-US-Las_Vegas-01) " HOST_NAME
#SSH Port number from user
read -e -p "[?] Enter new SSH port number, since Kippo will listen on default SSH port. (example: 1337) " SSH_PORT
# Logging setup. This is done to log all the output from commands executed in the script to a file.
#This provides us troubleshooting data if the script fails.
mkfifo ${logfile}.pipe
tee < ${logfile}.pipe $logfile &
exec &> ${logfile}.pipe
rm ${logfile}.pipe
#metasploit-like print statements. Status messages, error messages, good status returns.
# I added in a notification print for areas users should definitely pay attention to.
function print_status ()
echo -e "\x1B[01;34m[*]\x1B[0m $1"
function print_good ()
echo -e "\x1B[01;32m[*]\x1B[0m $1"
function print_error ()
echo -e "\x1B[01;31m[*]\x1B[0m $1"
function print_notification ()
echo -e "\x1B[01;33m[*]\x1B[0m $1"
#Script does a lot of error checking. Decided to insert an error check function.
# If a task performed returns a non zero status code, something very likely went wrong.
function error_check
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
print_good "$1 successfully completed."
print_error "$1 failed. Please check $logfile for more details."
exit 1
# These Variables Need to be set! #
#SPLUNK_INDEXER: This is the box that is going to process your splunk logs.
#Can be a hostname or an IP address. The default port is 9997/tcp. #
#HOST_NAME: This controls what name your kippo server will have when reviewing its
# data in the Tango Splunk App. Use unique names.
# Suggestion: "hp-{country code}-{city}-{number}" such as: hp-US-Las_Vegas-01 #
#SSH_PORT: This port will replace the default SSH port (22), so that Kippo may run on it, and you'll stil be able
# to access the host using SSH.
#SSH_PORT= "1337"
# Set the directory we are initially executing the script in.
#We need root privs to run most of this, this is a quick check to ensure that we are root. If not, bail.
print_status "Checking for root privs.."
if [ $(whoami) != "root" ]; then
print_error "This script must be ran with sudo or root privileges."
exit 1
print_good "We are root."
#We check what architecture the system is and download the correct splunk Universal Forwarder for that CPU arch.
arch=`uname -m`
if [[ $arch == "x86_64" ]]; then
print_notification "System is $arch. Downloading: $INSTALL_FILE to /opt.."
wget -O /opt/splunkforwarder-6.3.0-aa7d4b1ccb80-Linux-x86_64.tgz '' &>> $logfile
error_check 'Splunk Forwarder Download'
elif [[ $arch == "i686" ]]; then
print_notification "System is $arch. Downloading: $INSTALL_FILE to /opt.."
wget -O /opt/splunkforwarder-6.3.0-aa7d4b1ccb80-Linux-i686.tgz '' &>> $logfile
error_check 'Splunk Forwarder Download'
print_error "System arch is not x86_64 or i686. Tango Honeypot is not yet supported on other CPU architectures."
exit 1
# Based on the OS (Debian or Redhat based), use the OS package mangaer to download required packages
if [ -f /etc/debian_version ]; then
apt-get -y update &>> $logfile
print_notification "Installing required packages via apt-get.."
apt-get -y install python-dev python-openssl python-pyasn1 authbind git libcurl4-gnutls-dev libssl-dev libffi-dev openssh-server&>> $logfile
error_check 'Apt Package Installation'
curl "" -o "" &>> $logfile
python &>> $logfile
print_notification "Installed pip"
print_notification "Installing required python packages via pip.."
pip install pycrypto cryptography service_identity requests ipwhois twisted &>> $logfile
error_check 'Python pip'
iptables -t nat -A PREROUTING -p tcp --dport 22 -j REDIRECT --to-port 2222
elif [ -f /etc/redhat-release ]; then
yum -y update &>> $logfile
print_notification "Installing required packages via yum.."
yum -y install wget python-devel python-zope-interface unzip git gnutls-devel gcc gcc-c++ &>> $logfile
error_check 'Yum Package Installation'
print_notification "Installing required python packages via easy_install.."
easy_install pycrypto pyasn1 twisted requests &>> $logfile
error_check 'Python easy_install'
print_error "Unable to determine correct package manager to use. This script currently supports apt-based Operating Systems (Debian, Ubuntu, Kali) and yum-based Operating Systems (Redhat, CentOS, etc.) and relies on either /etc/redhat-release or /etc/debian_version being present to determine the correct package manager to use."
exit 1
# Adding splunk user for service to run as. Shell is set to /bin/false.
print_status "Checking for splunk user and group.."
getent passwd splunk &>> $logfile
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
print_status "splunk user exists. Verifying group exists.."
id -g splunk &>> $logfile
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
print_notification "splunk group exists."
print_notification "splunk group does not exist. Creating.."
groupadd splunk &>> $logfile
usermod -G splunk splunk &>> $logfile
error_check 'Creation of Splunk group and Addition of Splunk user to group'
print_status "Creating splunk user and group.."
groupadd splunk &>> $logfile
useradd -g splunk splunk -d /home/splunk -s /bin/false &>> $logfile
mkdir /home/splunk
chown -R splunk:splunk /home/splunk
error_check 'Splunk user and group creation'
chown -R splunk:splunk /home/splunk &>> $logfile
# Adding splunk user for service to run as. Shell is set to /bin/false.
print_status "Checking for cowrie user and group.."
getent passwd cowrie &>> $logfile
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
print_status "cowrie user exists. Verifying group exists.."
id -g cowrie &>> $logfile
if [ $? -eq 0 ]; then
print_notification "cowrie group exists."
print_notification "cowrie group does not exist. Creating.."
groupadd cowrie &>> $logfile
usermod -G cowrie cowrie &>> $logfile
error_check 'Creation of cowrie group and Addition of cowrie user to group'
print_status "Creating cowrie user and group.."
groupadd cowrie &>> $logfile
useradd -g cowrie cowrie -d /home/splunk -s /bin/false &>> $logfile
error_check 'Cowrie user and group creation'
chown -R splunk:splunk /home/splunk &>> $logfile
# Installing Cowrie Honeypot
print_notification "Installing Cowrie Honeypot.."
cd /opt
git clone &>> $logfile
error_check "Cloned Cowrie Repository from GitHub"
cd cowrie
cd etc
cp cowrie.cfg.dist cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
# Changing the Honeypot name as well as changing the port that Kippo listens on
#sed -i "s/#listen_port = 2222/listen_port = 22/" cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
#sed -i "s/#\[database_jsonlog\]/\[database_jsonlog\]/" cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
#sed -i "s/#logfile = log\/kippolog.json/logfile = log\/kippolog.json/" cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
#sed -i "s/\[output_jsonlog\]/#\[output_jsonlog\]/" cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
#sed -i "s/logfile = log\/kippo.json/#logfile = log\/kippo.json/" cowrie.cfg &>> $logfile
print_notification "Configured Cowrie Honeypot"
# Changing Default SSH Port
# Changing the port that SSH listens on to the variable set above
if [[ $arch == "x86_64" ]]; then
cd /etc/ssh/
sed -i "s/Port 22/Port $SSH_PORT/" sshd_config &>> $logfile
service ssh restart &>> $logfile
error_check 'SSH Service Restarted'
elif [[ $arch == "i686" ]]; then
cd /etc/ssh/
sed -i "s/#Port 22/Port $SSH_PORT/" sshd_config &>> $logfile
service sshd restart &>> $logfile
error_check "SSH Service Restarted"
cd /tmp
git clone &>> $logfile
error_check 'Cloned authbind repo from GitHub'
cd authbind-centos-rpm/authbind/RPMS/x86_64/
rpm -i authbind-2.1.1-0.x86_64.rpm &>> $logfile
error_check 'Installed authbind'
print_error "System arch is not x86_64 or i686. Tango Honeypot is not yet supported on other CPU architectures."
exit 1
# Setting up authbind to allow kippo user to bind to privileged port
#print_notification "Configuring Authbind"
#touch /etc/authbind/byport/22 &>> $logfile
#chown cowrie:cowrie /etc/authbind/byport/22 &>> $logfile
chown -R cowrie:cowrie /opt/cowrie &>> $logfile
cd /opt/cowrie/
#sed -i "s,twistd -y kippo.tac -l log/kippo.log --pidfile,authbind --deep twistd -y kippo.tac -l log/kippo.log --pidfile," &>> $logfile
sudo -u cowrie bin/cowrie start &>> $logfile
error_check "Cowrie started successfully"
#print_notification "Authbind Configured to use Port 22"
# Installing Splunk Universal Forwarder and setting it to persist on reboot
print_notification "Installing Splunk Universal Forwarder.."
cd /opt
tar -xzf $INSTALL_FILE &>> $logfile
chown -R splunk:splunk splunkforwarder &>> $logfile
sudo -u splunk /opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk start --accept-license --answer-yes --auto-ports --no-prompt &>> $logfile
error_check 'Universal Forwarder Configuration'
/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk enable boot-start -user splunk &>> $logfile
error_check 'Universal Forwarder Install'
#Check to see if the user tried to execute uf_only outside of the Tango directory. Yell at them if they did.
# Grab tango_input from the Tango directory (if it's there), configure inputs.conf, start up the forwarder. We done here.
print_notification "Installing tango_input.."
if [ ! -d "$execdir/tango_input" ]; then
print_error "Unable to find tango_input directory in $execdir. tango_input should be in the same directory as Please correct this and run the script again."
exit 1
cp -r "$execdir/tango_input" /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps &>> $logfile
print_notification "Configuring /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/tango_input/default/inputs.conf and outputs.conf.."
cd /opt/splunkforwarder/etc/apps/tango_input/default
sed -i "s/test/$HOST_NAME/" inputs.conf &>> $logfile
sed -i "s/test/$SPLUNK_INDEXER/" outputs.conf &>> $logfile
chown -R splunk:splunk /opt/splunkforwarder &>> $logfile
/opt/splunkforwarder/bin/splunk restart &>> $logfile
error_check 'Tango_input installation'
sudo -u cowrie chmod 777 /opt/cowrie/var/log/cowrie.json
print_notification "If the location of your kippo log files changes or the hostname/ip of the indexer changes, you will need to modify /opt/splunkfowarder/etc/apps/tango_input/default/inputs.conf and outputs.conf respectively."
print_good "Install Completed. The splunk forwarder should be reporting and sending data to your indexer. Log file is located at /var/log/tango_install.log"
exit 0
This resolves the existing issues (path locations, startup of cowrie, etc) with the installation script failing with errors on Ubuntu 18.04.