apneadiving / Google-Maps-for-Rails

Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
MIT License
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Wrapper div breaks google map in all IE versions #217

Closed glp closed 12 years ago

glp commented 12 years ago

I found out that the wrapper div:

<div class="<%= dom.container_class %>"> 
  <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>

breaks the map in all IE versions. The maps simply don't show at all.

I removed the div and everythings works (even 100%/100% maps). Tested on IE8 (all updates) on XP32 and IE9 (all updates) x86 and x64 on Windows 7 (x86 and x64)

New Template lines:

<div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>
apneadiving commented 12 years ago


Which wrapper is involved exactly?

Sent from my iPhone

On 23 mai 2012, at 10:52, Jörg Eiblreply@reply.github.com wrote:

I found out that the wrapper div:

<div class="<%= dom.container_class %>"> 
 <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>

breaks the map in all IE versions. The maps simply don't show at all.

I removed the div and everythings works (even 100%/100% maps).

Tested on IE8 (all updates) on XP32 and IE9 (all updates) x86 and x64 on Windows 7 (x86 and x64)

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apneadiving/Google-Maps-for-Rails/issues/217

apneadiving commented 12 years ago

Just tested on IE8. Works fine, I'd need more info then.

glp commented 12 years ago

I will gather all gems and the view involved and come back to you as soon as possible.

The outage occured about 6 days ago, before that everything worked perfectly. No code was changed though.

apneadiving commented 12 years ago

Thanks for this, I'm really interested in this issue.

Sent from my iPhone

On 24 mai 2012, at 14:53, Jörg Eiblreply@reply.github.com wrote:

I will gather all gems and the view involved and come back to you as soon as possible.

The outage occured about 6 days ago, before that everything worked perfectly. No code was changed though.

Reply to this email directly or view it on GitHub: https://github.com/apneadiving/Google-Maps-for-Rails/issues/217#issuecomment-5899304

glp commented 12 years ago

All gems I use:

gem 'rails', "~> 3.1.3"
gem 'pg', '0.11.0'
gem 'squeel'
gem 'kaminari'
gem 'meta_search'
gem 'jquery-rails'
gem 'haml'
gem 'devise', '~> 2.0.0'
gem 'devise_invitable', '~> 1.0.0'
gem 'cancan'
gem 'omniauth'
gem 'omniauth-twitter'
gem 'omniauth-facebook'
gem 'omniauth-google-oauth2'
gem 'simple_form'
gem 'validation_reflection'
gem 'cocoon'
gem 'gmaps4rails'
gem "geocoder"
gem 'country-select'
gem "acts_as_follower"
gem 'acts_as_commentable'
gem 'thumbs_up'
gem 'heroku'
gem 'carrierwave'
gem 'fog'
gem 'rmagick', :require => "RMagick"
gem 'dalli'
gem 'randumb'
gem 'sanitize'
gem "html5-rails", '~> 0.0.3'
gem 'acts-as-taggable-on', '~> 2.2.2'

group :assets do
  gem 'coffee-rails', '~> 3.1.1'
  gem 'uglifier', '>= 1.0.3'
  gem 'compass', '~> 0.12.alpha.4.8c84869'
  gem 'compass-rails'
  gem 'compass-h5bp', '~> 0.0.2'
  gem 'therubyracer', '~> 0.9.10'
  gem 'twitter-bootstrap-rails', :git => 'http://github.com/seyhunak/twitter-bootstrap-rails.git'
  gem 'sass-rails',   '~> 3.1.5'

Shortened Haml view, uses twitter bootstrap 2.0.3, non-fluid layout, responsive

%div.container{:role => 'main'}  
        -#Stuff searching (forms etc.)
        -#Map Menu
        - if params[:lat] && params[:lng]
          = gmaps(:markers => { :data => @markers }, :map_options => {:libraries => [:places], :sensor => true, :zoom => 15, :minZoom => 2, :auto_adjust => false, :center_latitude => params[:lat], :center_longitude => params[:lng], :raw => '{mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }'})
          = gmaps(:markers => { :data => @markers }, :map_options => {:libraries => [:places], :sensor => true, :zoom => 2, :minZoom => 2, :auto_adjust => false, :detect_location => true, :center_on_user => true, :raw => '{mapTypeId: google.maps.MapTypeId.TERRAIN }'})
        -#Kaminari pagination


The css I used:

.map_container {
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 500px;

.gmaps4rails_map {
  position: relative;
  padding: 0;
  margin: 0;
  width: 100%;
  height: 100%;

Old _gmaps4rails.html.erb

<% content_for :scripts do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag *js_dependencies %>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<%=raw options.to_gmaps4rails %>
<% end %>

<% case dom.map_provider %>
<% when "mapquest" %>
<div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" style="width:750px; height:475px;">
  <!-- TODO: change this style dynamically -->  
<% when "bing" %>
  <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>
<% else %>
<div class="<%= dom.container_class %>"> 
  <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>
<% end %>

_gmaps4rails.html.erb overwrite

<% content_for :scripts do %>
<%= javascript_include_tag *js_dependencies %>

<script type="text/javascript" charset="utf-8">
<%=raw options.to_gmaps4rails %>
<% end %>

<% case dom.map_provider %>
<% when "mapquest" %>
<div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" style="width:750px; height:475px;">
  <!-- TODO: change this style dynamically -->  
<% when "bing" %>
  <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>
<% else %>
  <div id="<%= dom.map_id %>" class="<%= dom.map_class %>"></div>
<% end %>

If you want to check out the live version (currently open Beta): http://www.geopieces.com This version uses a new layout, but the error occurred on both views. I also didn't want to post the new layout because it uses jquery.layout.ui and is a bit more complex.

Hope we can figure this one out.

Cheers, and great gem by the way.

apneadiving commented 12 years ago

Just looked at your page.

Two js errors:

Message : Erreur d'exécution inconnue
Ligne : 2
Caractère : 32141
Code : 0
URI : http://geopieces.com/assets/application-29f32613a511f0b489580de7a2d28417.js

Which comes from e.innerHTML=a,d.appendChild(e)

The other one is:

Message : 'Gmaps' est indéfini.
Ligne : 6134
Caractère : 1
Code : 0
URI : http://geopieces.com/public/map

Which is logic: the application.js crashed on loading so Gmaps is undefined.

So I can't see any link with the div wrapper here.

BTW: you should really avoid including markers in the html. This causes your html to be too heavy. In this cases, I usually use:

glp commented 12 years ago

Thanks for the quick reply. I don't get those errors so I will investigate further.

glp commented 12 years ago

The errors only show in IE8. I will build a test application to reproduce this as clean as possible.

And I will replace the inline HTML with Mustache templates. Thanks for the tip!

apneadiving commented 12 years ago

Use of js templates is builtin the gem so it should be easy.

Keep in touch, I'm curious to know the final word about this.

glp commented 12 years ago

Yes, should be a breeze, but I like to make it DRY so I can kill all the other unnecessary templates.

After 2 days of cursing at IE I will definitely get to the bottom of this. I'll keep in touch, shouldn't be long.


apneadiving commented 12 years ago

IE is a shared nightmare... :)

apneadiving commented 12 years ago

I guess no news = good news

glp commented 12 years ago

Kind of. I still need the wrappers disabled but I had no time to make a test case because we launch updates approx. every 3 days now. User response and filter phase. I still want to write a test case but I have no clue when exactly that will be.