apneadiving / Google-Maps-for-Rails

Enables easy Google map + overlays creation in Ruby apps
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Problems with marker.infowindow as JS request #437

Closed ngelx closed 10 years ago

ngelx commented 10 years ago

Hi, i'm having an issue with marker.infowindow and JS request.


def general
   @positions =  Position.where("latitude is NOT NULL AND longitude is NOT NULL").first(5)
   @hash = Gmaps4rails.build_markers(@positions) do |position, marker|

              :url      => ActionController::Base.helpers.asset_path( "p.png", type: :image),
              :width    => 12,
              :height   => 12
    marker.title position.address
    marker.lat position.latitude
    marker.lng position.longitude
    marker.infowindow render_to_string(:partial => "/maps/position_detail", :formats => [:html], :locals => { :position => position})


$('#main-content').fadeOut(function() {
  var $main = $(this);
  var tpl   = "<%= j(render(:partial => 'maps/maps_fs',  :formats => [:html])) %>";


    var handler = Gmaps.build('Google', {markers:
            {clusterer: {
              gridSize: 100,
              maxZoom: 12

    handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
      markers = handler.addMarkers(<%= raw @hash.to_json %>);

  history.pushState({url: '/maps/monit'}, null, '/maps/monit');


<div id="map" class="maps-google-fs"></div>

  $('#map').height($(window).height() - $('#footer').height() - $('.navbar.main').height() - $('#menu-top').height());



  <%= position.address %>

The thing is that when I make an AJAX request it simple do not work (no any error message at all ...)

Started GET "/maps/general" for at 2014-05-23 00:58:00 +0000
Processing by MapsController#general as JS
  User Load (2.2ms)  SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 25 LIMIT 1
  Position Load (1.4ms)  SELECT `positions`.* FROM `positions` WHERE (latitude is NOT NULL AND longitude is NOT NULL) LIMIT 5
  Rendered maps/_position_detail.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/_position_detail.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/_position_detail.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/_position_detail.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/_position_detail.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/_maps_fs.html.erb (0.1ms)
  Rendered maps/general.js.erb (21.5ms)
Completed 200 OK in 425.4ms (Views: 303.8ms | ActiveRecord: 3.6ms)

but, if i comment the line of marker.infowindow, all works as expected.

Started GET "/maps/general" for at 2014-05-23 01:14:35 +0000
Processing by MapsController#general as JS
  User Load (1.6ms)  SELECT `users`.* FROM `users` WHERE `users`.`id` = 25 LIMIT 1
  Position Load (1.2ms)  SELECT `positions`.* FROM `positions` WHERE (latitude is NOT NULL AND longitude is NOT NULL) LIMIT 5
  Rendered maps/_maps_fs.html.erb (0.2ms)
  Rendered maps/general.js.erb (22.3ms)
Completed 200 OK in 427.7ms (Views: 280.1ms | ActiveRecord: 12.6ms)

Any help would be appreciated.

Thanks. Angel

apneadiving commented 10 years ago

I'd need some other details, could you provide the full response sent by your server?

ngelx commented 10 years ago

Hi @apneadiving thanks for your quick response and support for this awesome gem.

The response is:

$('#main-content').fadeOut(function() {
  var $main = $(this);
  var tpl   = "<div id=\"map\" class=\"maps-google-fs\"><\/div>\n\n<script>\n  $(\'#map\').height($(window).height() - $(\'#footer\').height() - $(\'.navbar.main\').height() - $(\'#menu-top\').height());\n\n<\/script>";


    var handler = Gmaps.build('Google', {markers:
            {clusterer: {
              gridSize: 100,
              maxZoom: 12

    handler.buildMap({ provider: {}, internal: {id: 'map'}}, function(){
      markers = handler.addMarkers([{"picture":{"url":"/assets/3.png","width":12,"height":12},"marker_title":"cordoba 1200","lat":"-34.6624876","lng":"-58.6048213","infowindow":"<div>  cordoba 1200</div>"},{"picture":{"url":"/assets/1.png","width":12,"height":12},"marker_title":"Ayala Gauna 7850","lat":"-32.9124234","lng":"-60.7318057","infowindow":"<div>  Ayala Gauna 7850</div>"}]);


  history.pushState({url: '/maps/general'}, null, '/maps/general');

in contrast of the template generate by <% j render ... %> seems that infowindows has not the "/" character escaped, not sure if that is right.

apneadiving commented 10 years ago

I dont understand, are you sure the code is executed?

the js works fine: http://plnkr.co/edit/ox4AaEklUDyURA18X67t?p=preview

ngelx commented 10 years ago

I'm sure that the code is not execute when i add the marker.infowindows param, but not sure why, or how to debug it.

apneadiving commented 10 years ago

add a debugger in your file statement and open your js console

ngelx commented 10 years ago

Not sure what was going on, but adding to the end of the controller's action these lines seems to fix it.

  respond_to do |format|

Thanks for your help. Angel

kashifnaseer commented 9 years ago

+1 , having same issue and got it fixed with respond_to block. thanks guys